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The Road to EVO: Daigo Umehara Interview

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  • Jun 11, 2012
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GameSpot Asia's Jonathan Toyad speaks to legendary pro Street Fighter player Daigo Umehara about his character usage for EVO 2012, his new book and which of his competitors he's keeping an eye on.


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Old_Schooler_Dan 7 pts

LOL "Copy the top players." The road to glory is to just rip off of other people's play styles, folks lol.

Old_Schooler_Dan 7 pts

F*** SFXT. I'm beginning to feel the same sentiment towards that game as I did with MVC3. Still wish I held on to my copy of MVC3, though, even though I wouldn't be playing it.

Zonelezz 13 pts

evo 2012 here we go! go japan! 

elancion 26 pts

sfxt will be ok. there's been a recent spurt of fighters on the scene, so its normal to have a shift in focus from 1 title to another and back to that said title,especially when preparing for evo. its normal for players to go with their strengths.(titles they are more familier/comfortable with etc.).


sfxt is deffinately a fun game i enjoy the system and expect to see a return in interest

a an increase number of players following this title.

Flamingpostman 7 pts

i like the old daigo the one that didnt smile and just stayed like this -_-

wonzan 16 pts

I don't like his new look =[

Kan100 9 pts

 wonzan Lol, he looks slightly constipated.

Marmotas 10 pts

 King9999 yeah :( its ok, but I liked his Vincent Brooks looks (Catherine)

Marmotas 10 pts

Funny, he doesnt play SFxT because its not popular in Japan either.


SFxT is the anti-hype equation. :P

floydshayvious 16 pts

Damn I thought they where remaking the SNES game EVO.

Oh well - I can dream.

sirkibble2 38 pts

"Copy the top players" is actually really good advice because when you're learning a character (or anything for that matter), it's an excellent way to get started to learn lethal combos and matchups. At the end, no. You don't just do the exact thing but you learn what works by copying. Then you  add your own style to what works which gets into the whole mindgame thing.

Thug2Wasteland 8 pts

 sirkibble2I know what you mean, a lot of people tend to mimic the pros by the combos, but what I usually do to learn is to just observe some of the special moves, analyze the combos in order to understand it so that way I don't have to learn insane combos to be good, it's all about skill in the FGC.

FinalDuo1886 33 pts

I'm shock that SxT is still going to be at evo. It's been criticize, that it isn't tournament worthy, and  there absolutely no hype for the game anymore, and for good reason. Aw well!

teufelherz 13 pts

 FinalDuo1886 inorite! I wish I could just forget the game exists and pretend I never bought it. Right now I just have that feeling that I have it and I want to think it is a really good game but I don't get it and will at some point come back to it and enjoy it, but I don't think it's happening.

King9999 60 pts

 FinalDuo1886 It's not like they can suddenly pull the game from the roster.  The decision was made a long time ago.  It probably won't be in the lineup next year.

CUDGEdave 35 pts

That guy needs some pie and chips,He'd fall down the cracks in the pavement.

DuaMn 8 pts

I love Daigo. He is one of my favorite celebrities let alone pro gamers. And that's not just because he is a legendary SF player. He is a really smart person and whenever he talks my respect towards him only increases. Even if he doesn't always win he always leaves a respectful image and this only makes him even more legendary.

SetsuOkun 5 pts

WOA!!! what happeneed to your hair daigo!!!!you were cool haired back in evo!

kukuteku 8 pts

1:29. look the guys behind the host, they collide and falldown!!! very funny!!

Da4biddenOne 19 pts

Come on, everybody plays with Ryu. I would love to play him in a five game series.

SamehH99 10 pts

 ehkzibiht thats what i thot !!

aqkamboh 13 pts

Very nice forum and thanks a lot for share info.

fanaticsm 34 pts

ok gamespot....time to get back to reviewing games.....lollipop chainsaw review please......

JediKnight66 6 pts

"Copy the top players" I didn't know that Daigo liked to troll.

ExplicitMike 531 pts

 JediKnight66 hahaha. Sure sounds that way.

ExplicitMike 531 pts

"Copy the top players" ??? Bad advice Daigo. I know you are good, but the idea is to beat the top players. I have a better advice. There is always someone better than you. So keep training. 

M3o5nster 26 pts

 IAMTHEVIPQUEEN simply shallow...sorry but, truth


I can do it too :)

tightwad34 74 pts


 Go to hell and be evil there.

Jestersmiles 99 pts

wow.....dude win a tourney and

tightwad34 74 pts


 That's what I thought. Dude could stand to pack on a few.

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