14Jun 2012

First Thief 4 trailer leaks - rumour

The coolest 30 seconds of CGI you will ever watch

What are you waiting for? Context? Opening witticisms? You did read the "Thief 4 trailer" bit, right? So go get it.

Thief 4 aims to be "as good as or better than" Deus Ex: Human Revolution and offers "more than just stealth". You can read a full interview on the subject with Eidos Montreal boss Stephane D'Astous in issue 87, on sale now.


3 comments so far...

  1. That wasn't long enough more please

  2. I second that,was hoping to hear something about this at E3.Probably means there won't be anything this year released.Whatever please,please,please don't pander to the masses and make it an action fest,cover shooter.STEALTH please,given that Sam Fisher isn't the person to turn to now for a stealth fix.

  3. This has shot straight to the top of my 'most wanted' list. Deadly Shadows seems ancient now, and yet I still recall how immensely enjoyable that game was. I hope this game can be the title that is need to bring back the Thief series.