Entry 25752



Submitted by anonymous on Oct. 17, 2011 at 5:43 a.m.
Language: Python. Code size: 2.4 KB.

# lab5.py
# covering Week 2: Functions, Conditionals, Loops

#############Week 2: Functions, Conditionals, Loops####################

# 1.)
#For a-c, what does each function print? For d, what does the whatIsE do?

x = 8
y = 5
z = 1
x += ((y % 2) + (z ** 2))
y -= x
print x, y, z

#Answer: 10 -5 1

a = 2
b = 9
if (a > b):
    a += (a * 2)
    a += (b * 2)
b += 5
if (b < a):
    b += (b / 3)
    b -= (a / 2)
print a, b

#Answer: 20, 18

i = 0
j = 5
for k in xrange(j):
    i += (j + k)
    j -= 1
print  i

#Answer: 25

def whatIsE(num1, num2):
    c = max(num1, num2)
    d = min(num1, num2)
    e = 0
    while (c > d):
        d += 1
        e += 1
    return e

#Answer: WhatIsE finds the difference between num1 and num2.

#2.) countOddfactors: Write a function countOddFactors which returns the number
#of odd factors a given positive integer has.

#Possible solution:
def countOddFactors(num):
    count = 0
    for factor in xrange(1, num + 1):
        if (num % factor == 0 and factor % 2 != 0):
            count += 1
    return count

#3.) isAutomorphicNumber: An automorphic number is a number such that when
#squared, ends in the same digits as the number itself. For example, 5^2 = 25 
#and 76^2 = 5776, so 5 and 76 are automorphic numbers. Write the function 
#isAutomorphicNumber that returns True if a given number is automorphic and 
#False otherwise. (No helper functions.)

#Possible Solution:
def isAutomorphicNumber(number):
    digits = 0
    digitFinder = number
    while (digitFinder > 0):
        digitFinder /= 10
        digits += 1
    return (((number ** 2) % (10 ** digits)) == number)

# 4.) isNarcissisticNumber: A narcissistic number is a number that is the sum
#of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits. For 
#example, 153 is a narcissistic number since 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 153. Write a 
#function isNarcissisticNumber that returns True if the given number is 
#narcissistic and False otherwise. (No helper functions.)

#Possible Solution:
def isNarcissisticNumber(number):
    digits = 0
    originalNumber = number
    digitFinder = number
    sum = 0
    while (digitFinder > 0):
        digitFinder /= 10
        digits += 1
    while (number > 0):
        sum += ((number % 10) ** digits)
        number /= 10
    return (sum == originalNumber)

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