Contribute to Pygments

As every open-source project, we are always looking for volunteers to help us with programming. Python knowledge is required, but don't fear: Python is a very clear and easy to learn language.

Development takes place on Bitbucket, where the Mercurial repository, tickets and pull requests can be viewed.

Ways to contact the authors

Our primary communication instrument is the IRC channel #pocoo on the Freenode network. To join it, let your IRC client connect to and do /join #pocoo.

If you found a bug, just open a ticket in the trac tracker. Be sure to add your e-mail address under "CC" to be notified when the issue is fixed.

You can also send an e-mail to one of the developers, see below.

The authors

Pygments is maintained by Georg Brandl (nickname birkenfeld), e-mail address (sic).

Many lexers and fixes have been contributed by Armin Ronacher (nickname mitsuhiko) and the rest of the Pocoo team.