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Minecraft tops Black Ops on Xbox Live

4J Studios' open-world creation game tallied more unique users than Call of Duty: Black Ops for the week of May 14.

Minecraft is digging away at the success of Call of Duty on Xbox Live. Microsoft's latest online activity chart reveals that for the week of May 14, Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition had more unique users than Call of Duty: Black Ops.

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition was surpassed in unique users only by Activision's latest blockbuster shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. In notching the number two spot, Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition also recorded a higher number of unique users than footie simulator FIFA 12, as well as popular shooters Battlefield 3, Halo: Reach, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition launched on May 9 and became profitable in just 60 minutes. It sold 400,000 copies during its first 24 hours, on its way to move more than 1 million units in its first week, becoming the fastest-selling Xbox Live game in history.

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition was developed by 4J Studios, the Scotland-based shop that built Xbox Live Arcade titles Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie, and Banjo-Tooie. The game will add Kinect support at a later date via a patch and was the last title in Microsoft's Arcade Next promotion, which also saw the release of Trials Evolution, Bloodforge, and Fable Heroes.

For more on Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition, check out GameSpot's review.

Eddie Makuch
By Eddie Makuch, News Editor

Eddie Makuch (Mack-ooh) is a News Editor at GameSpot. He lives in Connecticut, works out of the company's New York City office, and loves extra chunky peanut butter.

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NegativeNova 6 pts

Well, it seems to me that this is proof enough that gamers are calling out for more and more creative games. I mean, CoD has been the exact same sine MW2, and even the WW2 games were pretty much the same (granted I put in tons of hours into CoD2). I love minecraft and I am always on the lookout for new and inventive games. Please listen to the community games companies, please!

steelmouth 79 pts

PS from the videos, trailers and review this game really looks like crap,but i cant argue with the numbers and the comments below so it must be something

NegativeNova 6 pts

 steelmouth  it's intentionally made this way. It has a unique visual style that basically proves that a game isn't made by graphics. I'll admit that I was sceptical the first time I saw this for the PC, but the game is absolutely addicting. I know it sounds cliché, but with this game, the limit really is your imagination. 

Cruisemissile 110 pts

A friend of mine who was like, "minecraft is just rubbish and looks wierd" then got it day one on xbox and now he seems to love it!

CodingGenius 21 pts moderator

 Cruisemissile I didn't understand what the draw was, either.  I don't know if it was the music or the company (played with some friends), but I will definitely get a lot of mileage out of it.

Cedar-Teeth 29 pts

yes more 'unique' that says nothing maybe poeple played it for 1 minute black ops has way more playtime, and its the first week ofcourse everyone who got the game are going to play it at least for 1 minute to look. it won't ever happen again

goldenlink123 19 pts

 Cedar-Teeth Sounds like someone's butthurt.

NegativeNova 6 pts

 Cedar-Teeth hahahahaahhahahahahahahaha you're kidding right? You're just someone who gets all twitchy whenever they haven't killed something in a game for 5 minutes. This game is far, far superior to CoD. CoD is the exact same. Minecraft keeps adding and adding. Not to mention, the creator, Notch, actually cares about his fan-base. He even promoted piracy of his game! Not one dev for CoD would make that claim. 

ReaversRevenge 23 pts

hope they patch it soon, i cant seem to empty lava out a just disappears...

grognard 63 pts

Traditionally "Summer of Arcade" has had the biggest blockbuster hits for XBLA, but I don't see how MS will top this "Arcade Next" promotion after Trials and Minecraft's success.

Triton 30 pts

I think we can all agree Minecraft is a great game no matter what you play it on. I also have it on my iPad and iTouch.

inaka_rob 113 pts

yeah. I put 60 hours in Xbox minecraft in 1 week... the game is amazing. and its still missing so much from PC version. I am pretty done with it for now, but as they patch and update I will probably put even more time into. and its just an arcade title. and an indie title at that... there is hope for the video game world after all.

MountainMavin 5 pts

Erm... who els here is bad @ math? Arent als those COD BO boyz playing COD MW3 and other 'unique' gamers who got tired of the same old games (me) playing Minecraft???


Eddie, what have you done for me lately??!! ;-)

nima_metal90 50 pts

I love when GS releases news about COD going down!

sirkibble2 45 pts

Of course Minecraft will beat out Black Ops at some point. It's a split user base between Black Ops and MW3. 

Toysoldier34 169 pts

I hope that many of them get to play the PC version and see all the extra content they are missing out on. It doesn't take much of a PC to play it. If you enjoy it on Xbox, you will love it on PC with the newer updates, mods, and maps that people make. 


The SkyBlock Survival is one of my favorite memories of Minecraft.

juanjo123456789 5 pts

 Toysoldier34  The Xbox version is cheaper than the PC version.But the PC version is still more superior than its Xbox 360 counterpart.

dirtyvu 7 pts

 Toysoldier34 I hope the 360 crafting comes to the PC.  it really makes the PC menu and crafting system look archaic...

Toysoldier34 169 pts

 dirtyvu The crafting on 360 should remain on 360; it only makes it easier to use with a controller. The layouts are designed to work best with the control input used. 


Though I don't like that on the 360 they hold your hand so much and tell you how to do everything. I am fine with showing the recipes to make things faster and easier for the controller, but it should only do that once you have crafted an item once on your own.


Needing to navigate through the menus and sub tabs on PC would just make it more of a hassle and slow things down for most people.

ziproy 181 pts

To think these guys used to be indie

bradocki 12 pts

That's why I love Pac Man always fresh ;)


dxdevilex0 19 pts

Good to know that COD GOT PWNED. :)

bradocki 12 pts

Take that COD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

RAHBRT 69 pts

Good job now bring it up to date with the PC version!

BillyColeman 67 pts

ty god it seems gamers are starting to play real games now maybe a end to fps crap? i can only dream but this still rocks

godzillavskong 107 pts

Wow! It seems like a very addictive game. My sons were playing it all the time for the PC. I didn't see what the big draw was.I"ve never played it though and I'm a little scared to. I don't want it to suck me in, then I'll be stuck in that Genesis type graphical world, hammering away at some block until it becomes some more useful little blocks. 

Toysoldier34 169 pts

 godzillavskong With some texture packs and a shaders mod makes the game look better than many current games aside from the blocky nature.

shadowmage101 9 pts

 godzillavskong My friend hasnt gotten off of minecraft for 3 since it came out. I get addicted to games way too quickly so refuse to try it, my boyfriend had a hard enough time when skyrim came out. 

LancerVI 31 pts


 Then don't even start! I got sucked in. Now my son and I are playing together. It definately takes you back to that big box of legos kind of thing, only better. I can't stop playing it. PC only of course.

WafflePrime 41 pts

nice to see an original game on top

Virtua_Souls 62 pts

Why am I not surprised that Minecraft was capable of that? Geez, only Minecraft... only (ssssssssss)... crap! (BOOM!)

chappy_man 28 pts

never played minecraft but if i did this seems like a casual way to go

Maxx_the_Slash 28 pts

The 360 version still needs a lot of work (I personally want a built-in character editor).  But it's the first time I've ever been able to play the game (outside of the free-to-play Classic version), and I find it extremely addictive.

UnwantedSpam 289 pts

Hopefully they can expand Minecraft to other systems as well in the future, Let us PS3, Vita, and future Wii U users get in on the fun!! 

Toysoldier34 169 pts

 Delkura Mojang is a great company and there aren't many left. The more money and support they get the more great games we will get.

UnwantedSpam 289 pts

 Delkura Excuse me good sir, but your fanboyism is showing.

hadlee73 232 pts

I could never get into Minecraft. I kept wishing I had a gun and something to shoot. Shallow I know, but I couldn't help it :P

DawnBlue 29 pts

I wonder how much GS was paid to market Minecraft

hagens09 16 pts

 DawnBlue Are you done yet?  You're coming off as real mad about this.  It isn't a good look at all.

Landsharkk 262 pts

 DawnBlue Probably none seeing as how it's an indie game and doing very well on its' own.  A better question would be how much does GS make off of Call of Duty advertisements.  

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CodingGenius 21 pts moderator

 Gelugon_baat Agreed.  Plus, it isn't as though Minecraft needs help - it was the best selling Day 1 XBLA game ever!

razorfett147 5 pts

 DawnBlue Dude, shut up.  No one here has any sympathy for the EA Sports of the shooter genre.  Face it, CoD got its booty handed to it by a watered down port of a PC game that uses stylized NES cablibre 3D graphics.:D

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