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  1. @jonezy can you email me? my twitter name at mozilla dot com - thx!
  2. @beltzner Ugh. Can you switch? I have some really great contacts at the BMO at Yonge and Eglinton, I can introduce you.
  3. @Sooze1226 I may have to start following @hilahrie just for the way she spelled her twitter name, tell her a request is imminent :)
  4. @UNOlker I blame Hillary Clinton ;-)
  5. It's nice to know that when people are needlessly abusive on Twitter, that Twitter promptly gets rid of them. Thanks for your help @ay ;-)
  6. @UNOlker my crested gecko jumped out of my hands this morning, it was a marathon catch him. I spell 'Hilary' w/1 L. Confusing, I know.
  7. Changed 4 times before deciding on lulus, a t-shirt and a hoodie? Forgot my cell phone. Forgot my moleskine. Forgot my breakfast. Pathetic.
  8. We can stage a runaway lizard marathon
  9. So, I feel sicker then I was when I went to bed last night. Shit.
  10. @dpatterson He'd hate it. It has to be clean, beautiful, and Sans Serif.
  11. How long until hipsters start wearing black turtlenecks and rimless glasses? Hm. Too soon, huh?
  12. I wonder if @aplusk realizes that he's a spitting image of Jobs' in circa 70s. It's unreal.
  13. @mik3cap Sad. No one is allowed to occupy $AAPL.
  14. I can't stop the tears from flowing. We have Steve to thank for that perfect golden colour of that little 'o' in Google's logo :)
  15. I learned of Jobs' passing on the subway through a BBM from my bf. MBP in my bag. 30,149 songs in my pocket. Phish in my ears. Sad.
  16. I wonder, how many people learned of Jobs' passing on a product he invented. I can't even imagine. Incredible.
  17. What a world class salesman 
  18. Steve Jobs. Chuck Norris. Steve Jobs. Chuck Norris. Steve Jobs. Chuck Norris. Steve Jobs. Chuck Norris. Steve Jobs. Chuck Norris. Steve Jobs
  19. Buying an iPod was the happiest day of my adolescent life. Thanks for putting 13k and then 40k songs in my pocket all at once.