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    How Thousands of Wealthy People Pay No Taxes (It's Totally Legal)

    Posted 2:50PM 06/05/12 Posted under: Taxes
    1% doesn't pay taxes?With the rise of the Occupy Wall Street movement and its focus on the 1%, the wealthiest people in the U.S. have gotten a lot of attention lately. Yet despite arguments back and forth about whether the rich pay their fair share, one thing is certain: Some high-income earners pay no taxes at all.

    A recent IRS study found that one in every 189 taxpayers earning $200,000 or more in adjusted gross income paid no income tax in 2009, the most recent year for which complete data is available. That's more than 10,000 wealthy households paying no taxes anywhere in the world, and more than 35,000 paying no U.S. income tax.

    How Did They Swing That?

    There are several popular methods high-income taxpayers employ to cut their taxes. The most widely used is to invest in tax-exempt municipal bonds, which pay interest that you don't have to include as taxable income on your tax return.

    But itemized deductions also play a key role in reducing tax liability for the rich. Although medical and dental expenses aren't deductible until you spend at least 7.5% of your income on them, some rich taxpayers can use expenses they'd have to pay anyway to offset all of their income. Similarly, deductions for state income and property taxes, as well as charitable contributions, also help rich taxpayers reduce their tax burden.

    Idle Threats

    The fact that the rich can pay little or no tax under current law has led to proposals to change those laws.

    Between the so-called "Buffett Rule," which would impose minimum tax rates on high-income taxpayers, and calls to limit the tax benefits from certain popular deductions, the rich soon may no longer be able to escape paying tax entirely.

    But in an election year, it's hard to envision such measures getting through Congress to become law -- and unless they at some point do, the rich will still have perfectly legal ways to protect their income from the IRS.

    For more on your taxes: You can follow Motley Fool contributor Dan Caplinger on Twitter here.

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    What about the other 50% that never pay a dime.

    12 minutes ago Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

    A useless article. Nothing new to offer. What I want to understand is why over 45% of the people pay no taxes at all. This is not an issue about the 1 % wealthy. We need a minimum tax rate for this group.

    12 minutes ago Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
    Rhett C. Bowling

    Thousands of wealthy people pay no taxes and I know of thousands of poor people who also pay no taxes also. Why? Because the they don't make any money at all and therefore don't have to pay any taxes either.

    39 minutes ago Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

    Does anyone truly believe that all the millionaires that reside in congress will pass any law that would cut into their wealth?

    1 hour ago Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
    1 reply to aevf101's comment

    The do nothing Congress does not need to do a thing for the temporary tax cuts which we never could afford to expire and go gently into the night.

    37 minutes ago Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

    The 10,000 figure as well as the 35,00 figure seem very low to me. How about addressing the hundreds if not thousands of corporations that pay little or no taxes, & in some cases are subsidized by the taxpayer. Why isn't this called " corporate welfare" by the media. Answer: Because the media are corporations, & they don't want to blow anybody's cover.

    1 hour ago Report abuse +1 rate up rate down Reply

    VERY confusing and poorly written article. If STATE income tax is a deduction (presumably we are talking about from fed taxes in this article) then these people ( I am not one) have still paid tax. So the headline is sensationalist and very misleading. Also, if we are only talking fed taxes (I think, based on this poorly written article), then I think this author has miraculously forgotten about the 47 out of 100 that do not pay any fed taxes (per last years stats). A balanced story is what is needed. Sure a lot of people use loopholes that should be closed and should pay more taxes (akin to a salaried worker), but so too should everybody else. There should also be a MINIMUM tax for all, even if it is only $50 a month. Everybody gets something out of the system, we should all contribute

    1 hour ago Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

    What a crappy article. It explains absolutely nothing.


    2 hours ago Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

    The rich don't have enough money to fund Obama's out of control spending. We liberals love him anyway. He may give us more free stuff.

    2 hours ago Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
    1 reply to imalibnow2's comment

    When the do nothing Congress does what it does best, nothing, the Bush (Obama) tax cuts will expire, for all of us. We do not need more stimulus from new tax cuts and we do need to start paying our bills.

    38 minutes ago Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

    Once again the big question is how many millions people pay no Fed Taxes?

    2 hours ago Report abuse +1 rate up rate down Reply


    2 hours ago Report abuse rate up rate down Reply