04Jun 2012

GTA 5 release date zips into October 2012, new trailer coming soon - report

GTA 5 fan forum drops off following leak

Grand Theft Auto 5 will release in October this year, according to a Rockstar North CV.

The doc in question belongs to one Jolyon Orme, and dates from last month. Orme is lead vehicle artist on Grand Theft Auto 5.

Fan site GTANetwork went dark yesterday following the leak, in what some are calling damage control by Rockstar PR. A new GTA 5 trailer is rumoured to drop in the next couple of weeks.

Thanks, GTA-V5.

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6 comments so far...

  1. Please Jesus, and Mitch, let this be true. Mitch wont be happy if not. (That's a Dragons Dogma's ridiculously large forum thread obscure reference).

  2. Can't wait for this game, it's looking great.

  3. i hope this is real, but so many rumours are going around that it is unlikely. then again, E3 is starting today, so it miight be real.


  4. Second that please be true.Something going on though with all the games moving to next year.

    :lol: Also watch out for Mitch.,he'll have you tied up in his basement,doing unmentionable things to you.

  5. Cassis hasn't spoken since!

    October is my much debated date, more hoping from the recent 'delays' to Take Two (overlord publishers for GTA) schedules - Bioshock, X-Com etc. I'd be happier than a french guy with the ability to not surrender.

  6. Please remove that email! This is fake, the guy who made this has a host of GTA websites claiming to have leak information when in fact it's all made up. This is damaging to R* and it's staff mentioning their names when the data is made up by some idiot.