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Battlefield 3 Premium Announced

EA has confirmed earlier leaks concerning Battlefield 3's premium multiplayer service.

At EA's press conference today, the company revealed Battlefield Premium for all platforms. For $49.99 (or 4,000 MS Points) players will get all five expansion packs including Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand, Battlefield 3: Close Quarters, Battlefield 3: Armored Kill, Battlefield 3: End Game, and Battlefield 3: Aftermath. This knocks $25 off the normal retail price ($15 each) if all the packs were purchased separately. Additionally, EA says this premium package includes "exclusive in-game items, deeper personalization options, and advanced features."

Premium members will also get access to the maps earlier than everyone else. PlayStation 3 premium players get the Close Quarters map today with normal PS3 players getting it June 19. Xbox 360 and PC premium members will get the DLC June 12 with normal players receiving it on June 26.

Premium members will also get an exclusive ACB-90 knife and a set of Battlefield 3 Premium dog tags and "new exclusive soldier camos, weapon camos and unique Assignments." They can also reset their multiplayer stats, get queue priority, participate in exclusive double XP weekends and other events, and get strategy guides and videos straight from DICE.

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  • I don't understand this. They say 10 extra vehciles... how will that work? They won't let people who aren't Premium members into vehicles? And the weapons, they won't let people who aren't premium pick up premium guns?
  • I love BF3 and will be getting this, even after they broke my heart by taking away some of my XP and unlocks for no reason.
  • stats resetting should be pretty enticing for certain players

  • Cant wait to try it out next week

  • its on PS3 before XBOX!!!XD

  • Nope. No Chance

  • Nien,Nien,Nien!!!!! EA beat Cod and Activision with awseome games, dont't stoop down to they're idoiotic level! They will beat you with experince!

  • no mirror's edge 2 :C

  • so what happens when you already have karkand as most people do. do we get credited if we paid for it? others dont include something thats been out for months in your bullet points of "things you get with this deal."
  • i doubled, but i also was just thinking, when you reset your stats, is it resetting everything, rank included? or is it just stats? because on cod when you reset stats with prestige token, everything goes bye bye, and they never specified what happened.

  • this sounds.. oh I don't know... a bit... Dicey


  • Take away all the glitz and 'exclusive camouflage, ect.' , and Premium is really just a great deal for Battlefield 3 players. You're getting almost a whole new game in terms of the amount of multiplayer content for a great price. Even if you paid for B2K, you're still saving money if you were planning to pick up the rest of the DLC. I can't wait to see in action what they have in store for this content. Without even taking into account the new vehicles and weapons, the maps will be worth the money, Premium or not. That's what really matters, and DICE always impresses with truly awesome map design. Ready for Close Quarters!
  • Stupid just copying COD'S Elite.

  • Neat.

  • This is good if you plan on buying all the dlc you get to save $25

  • I'll probably get this just for the savings on the DLC's that I'd be buying anyway. But DICE needs to speed up the DLC releases... bigtime. Karkand came out in December... and Close Quarters doesn't drop til the end of June? That's ridiculous. I'm as big a BF fan as you'll find, but even I quit playing the game for a full two months (from end of March to the end of May) because I was burnt out on the maps already. Maybe that's cause I didn't care for any of the Karkand maps... but still, six months between DLC is not a good look.

  • Just a rip off of COD Elite :/

  • Just a rip off of COD Elite :/
  • damn i need like $50 now.

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