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Spoiled! Game of Thrones

The second season of HBO's hit Game of Thrones is awesome, which may tempt you to buy the recent video game of the same name. If you do that, you will learn that the game is not good. But how else are you going to find out what happens in the story and how it ties into the books and TV show? You can watch this video instead.

I sit down with my fellow Song of Ice and Fire fan Matt Bertz to talk about the game's plot, characters, and how the story arcs have ties to the canon of George R. R. Martin's epic fantasy universe. If you're a fan of the world and its mythology, but don't want to spend 30 hours playing a bad (and sometimes broken) RPG, the conversation and clips in the video below hits everything you need to know.

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  • I have gathered the sailors from all 7 seas and we have concurred that Mother Nature holds a secret 8th sea...and we are in it.
  • I love how much they make a point of the game being bad.

  • Who has the longer game, Varys? Or Baelish? I'm tempted to go with Baelish, because we appear to know what Varys has set up for his end-game. Yet no real clue what Baelish intends to do (not including Sansa)
  • I'm so tempted to watch this video...but I do kind of want to play the game. I'm waiting for the price to drop rapidly before I pick it up though.

  • Interesting. When are we going to get video reviews?

  • Too bad the game sucked. I'm a fan of the books and hbo shows.

  • ohh dangg the game suckeddd

  • Its on PC as well.

  • Never read this but love fourth wall stuff

  • sweet, I definitely don't wanna play this game so it was nice to get the gist of the story in a few minutes, now to actually get started on the witcher 2...

  • the game is bad plain as simple

  • Imagine if CDProjekt RED made the Game of Thrones game but we have The Witcher.

  • I'm still tempted to buy this game D:

  • "If you're a fan of the world and its mythology, but don't want to spend 30 hours playing a bad (and sometimes broken) RPG, the conversation and clips in the video below hits everything you need to know." That was pretty harsh, Joe. As flawed as it might I will most likely still buy this game, perhaps during a Steam sale.
  • Thanks! Now I don't have to play this mediocre game...

  • I don't care if it's spoiled. The game stinks.

  • Does this spoil anything from the second book / second season?
  • Thank you for saving me from this game. I love 'Spoiled!' but only on crap games I don't feel like playing through.

  • bioware should handle Got like ME a little action with a story droven narrative like the show, where youre actions in conversation make a big impact on the game and effect the actual game of thrones universe

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