04Jun 2012

FIFA 12 players carry over level and XP to FIFA 13, get "special bonus"

EA outlines vision for next generation of EA Football Club

FIFA 12 fans will carry over their level and experience when they buy FIFA 13, as part of an on-going push towards a true-blue digital service. Presenting at E3 today, EA also announced an array of "special bonuses" - currency to spend on in-game items and kit.

"We're not just a game," apparently. "We are the global platform where people connect, compete, and celebrate their love of football." What do people who love football also love? They love Lionel Messi, formerly of Pro Evolution Soccer, who now serves as FIFA 13's cover star.

"Earn rewards, level up, enjoy live Challenges based on real-world soccer events, and connect with friends. Everything within FIFA 13, and against friends, is measured in a meaningful way," says a release of FIFA 13's version of Football Club.

"Earn rewards to unlock items like kits, special celebrations, Virtual Pro Attribute Boosts, and Career Mode Super Scout Credits from the new Football Club Catalogue. Plus, build status as you climb 100 levels.

"Real-world storylines drive regular challenges so that FIFA 13 will play like the real-world season. Support Your Club and compete against rivals in every area of the game, lifting your club higher in the league tables or helping them avoid relegation."

FIFA 13's out in fall 2012. Here's a trailer which smells of brightly coloured shirts and buzzwords..


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