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This page is a running scrapbook of some of the many photos that have been sent to me or that I have taken. I will be constantly adding more photos as time and room warrants.

I will be putting up some old Hodaka black and white photos, some rare some not so rare. I have been lucky enough to have met my best friends from this sport so a lot of the photos you may see may be of them. Quite a few will be of some of the really great people that have supported me with Strictly Hodaka now and in the past.

Other photos may even just be of the beautiful countryside that I have been lucky enough to see as I make my way around this great nation of ours. I hope you enjoy the show and if anyone has some neat photos that they would like to share about Hodaka's please feel free to e-mail them to me or send them via snail mail. If you do send photos and would like them back please include a self addressed stamped envelope for their safe return.





Strictly Hodaka™ Motorcycles | Contact: Paul Stannard | PO Box 130 Sandgate,Vermont 05250-9537
Phone 802-375-0212 | 24 Hour FAX 802-375-0215 | |