01Jun 2012

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 - the first trailer

Belmont is back

Konami has announced Castlevania: Lords of Shadows 2 via a CGI trailer which takes the word "epic", smacks it about a little and pumps it full of elephant testosterone.

The video shows a vampiric Gabriel Belmont tearing up an entire army with his crucifix-whip, using a teleport power to move around an enormous battlefield. A massive steampunk war machine tries to join the party towards the finish, but our hero (or is he?) evens the odds by turning into a dragon. Gosh.

Finally, Belmont squares off with a mysterious white-haired swordsman. No release date. My status: stoked. How do you like them apples?

Matt had a think about Lords of Shadow 2 last week. Here are six things he'd very much like to see.


7 comments so far...

  1. A CGI trailer...come on, we want to see game play not an over the top video showing abilities that prob wont even make it into the game.

  2. Oooohhh, excited much!

    Good trailer, Gabriel was a badass after spanking the LoS so it looks like he's still got all their powers and a few more besides (I'd hope the smoke dragon thing is a Familiar of some sort). The Alucard hint is amazing and I really hope you can play as both him and Gabriel, or even a new Belmont instead and take on Gabriel/Dracula. Would be brilliant. :D

  3. It's very possible that MercurySteam will follow the Castlevania tradition and have a new main character, the person at the end of the trailer perhaps? On the other hand experiencing Gabriel's descent into evil first-hand would also be interesting. Whichever happens, if they manage to improve on LoS in every way, I'll be ecstatic. :D

  4. Is the first Castlevania worth getting?
    looking for some more games to play

  5. Is the first Castlevania worth getting?
    looking for some more games to play

    I'd say so, an excellent game all round and in a world of 4hr long campaigns its great value for money being over 20hrs at least.

  6. A CGI trailer...come on, we want to see game play not an over the top video showing abilities that prob wont even make it into the game.

    Oh Jesus, come on people. Think about it: this is the very first bit we've seen of the game. In all likelihood the finished project is far enough away that anything we would see in a gameplay trailer would be incredibly bare bones at best. It would also likely have lots of things that will get cut or drastically altered before we get our hands on it. A gameplay trailer this early, while nice, isn't something anyone should expect. Skyrim, Starcraft II, Mass Effect, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Bioshock (and Infinite), every Assassin's Creed and many, many more games all debuted with CG trailers. And, though you may argue against me on a few of these, every single one of them were both critical and financial successes (barring those listed that have yet to be released, of course). Nobody should get there hopes up for nor be disappointed when a debut trailer has minor inaccuracies or doesn't feature gameplay or was built outside of the game's engine. It's just too damn early in the development cycle.

  7. A CGI trailer...come on, we want to see game play not an over the top video showing abilities that prob wont even make it into the game.

    Oh Jesus, come on people. Think about it: this is the very first bit we've seen of the game. In all likelihood the finished project is far enough away that anything we would see in a gameplay trailer would be incredibly bare bones at best. It would also likely have lots of things that will get cut or drastically altered before we get our hands on it. A gameplay trailer this early, while nice, isn't something anyone should expect. Skyrim, Starcraft II, Mass Effect, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Bioshock (and Infinite), every Assassin's Creed and many, many more games all debuted with CG trailers. And, though you may argue against me on a few of these, every single one of them were both critical and financial successes (barring those listed that have yet to be released, of course). Nobody should get there hopes up for nor be disappointed when a debut trailer has minor inaccuracies or doesn't feature gameplay or was built outside of the game's engine. It's just too damn early in the development cycle.

    In all fairness the game has probably been in development for over a year or so considering the 1st Lord Of Shadow came out over 18 months ago. And most games development time is around 18 months to 2 years. Unless Konami are taking the lghting fast Assassins creed approach to game making.
    Id say Lords Of Shadow 2 is further on than you might think. And will prob get more coverage at E3. Wouldn't be surprised if it was released around Halloween just like its previous installment.
    Just sick of CGI trailers...sure in the PS1/ N64 and PS2/XBOX eras CGI was impressive in games as the consoles then didnt have the power of Consoles these days. It just feels like a cheap trick to fool people to me