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Diablo III Glitch Causes a Common Enemy to Become Invincible (PC)

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STrugglingFool 18 pts

If the players ain't cheating. It's the AI what's doing the cheating! Funny

robman11n 6 pts

lawlz I encountered this glitch last night. was kinda funny but when I progressed further in the mob became damageable again.

CosmicD 8 pts

had this with a friend on the same area.

HaZerDaZer 18 pts

Its annoying that you have to be online to play at all times. I live in an area with pretty crappy internet providers and I honestly lose connection 6-7 times a day. I don't want to have to worry about screwing my game up constantly while I play. I know i'm in the minority, but it still sucks.

Ioriya 15 pts

Eh... This happened to me once.


A blue mob was chasing me for like 10 minutes before i decided to teleport out of the area to lose it. It was one of those lizard wiz mobs, so i had it pestering me with fireballs non-stop.

Korkrest 11 pts

Wow a 5.55 video covering something that was explained and understood by the 10 word headline. What a waste of....well everything


Spahettificator 40 pts

Well it's good to see that Diablo 3 ended up as polished as it could be...


jojocoolio 28 pts

Id rather this than the Error 3007 glitch that prevents me from playing at all.

Ericbc 5 pts

kudos for wringing out the options trying to kill that guy !!

ReaversRevenge 18 pts

least you will get a few more hours gameplay out of it.....

sashimiboy1969 7 pts

Bwahahahah!  Look at'im go!  He's really into it.  Either that or really, really stupid.

Frosty192 47 pts

hmmmm I would have probably tp'ed back to town like a normal person would.

GTA-Like_Fan 9 pts


 Like a normal person would ? You mean not like a game tester/reviewer who wants to make a video about a glitch ?


poopinpat 17 pts

I find it hard to believe that they kept trying for so long... just run away and don't come back until they fix it!

foufoufun0 10 pts

Not sure who's the most pathetic, the glitch or gamespot using glitch video to publicise the game...

vasco555 5 pts

i cant defend this because it hard for me try and help me friends


hetmen 5 pts

Another big glitch is the Quill Fiend mob packs inactivity in Act 1 (Nightmare). They dont react even if we shoot them. The only way to make them react is touching their nose :)



Eshantha 11 pts

This monster's doing what Diablo couldn't for 3 games. :P

Buzduganjr 8 pts

 Eshantha Diablo got his ass kicked so many times, and now this monster is raging for him.

BEns110 5 pts

You probably needed a bigger hammer or other blunt weapon.  I saw to much hocus pocus being thrown at that devilish creature.

broncean 5 pts

Happened to me in Hell act 2 in the Desolate sands with a boss monster, allthough he couldn't move, but happily regenerated health and spawned illusions that kept attacking me

paxis85 20 pts

ladies and gents i believe we have a new meme on our hands :D

slowram 5 pts

Wonder if it was caused by a dropped connection.  I've had drops where I could run around a bit, but never had a monster on screen at the same time.

DarkLord 13 pts

In all seriousness, he tried for almost 6 minutes to kill that thing!? What was he thinking??

astr0creep 28 pts

Details please.

Is it reproducable? Does a reload clear the bug? Is it game stopping?

How is it triggered?

hetmen 5 pts

 astr0creep  It's a common problem ( I think it's related to a scripted event that happens just ahead of this area (defending catapults). To solve this problem you need to advance to the scripted area. When you are almost there the mob can be killed.

khimeron13 10 pts

Lol you did that for 6 minutes...

jazzyrider 5 pts

omg, what level is that? that sucks!

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