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Special Edition Podcast: The Elder Scrolls Online

Listen in as game director Matt Firor and creative director Paul Sage answer the Game Informer community's questions about the upcoming MMORPG from Zenimax Online Studios and Bethesda Softworks.

Host and cover story author Adam Biessener is joined by GI compatriot Ben Reeves as they pepper Sage and Firor with hard questions about the pressing issues our vigilant community members demand answers on. Either that, or people want to know what kind of mounts are in the game. One of the two.

Be sure to visit our Elder Scrolls Online hub by clicking the banner below for easy access to all the exclusive information we could dig up on our recent cover trip.

Attachment: http://media1.gameinformer.com/media/audio/theshow/elderscrollsonline/theshow-esonline.mp3

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  • My character's last name in this game is now going to be Firor.

  • I may actually learn about the game now, seeing as I haven't looked at any of the features on the site. Perhaps whatever they have to say will interest me for later on.

  • Although hindered, first person? Yes!

    At first, I didn't like the idea of Elder Scrolls Online. But I've kinda grown to like it. I like some of the directions they're taking...
  • Please Zenimax Online, very, very little hand holding if you intend to put it in this MMO.
  • I hope they put in that old line...

    "Stop right there, criminal scum!"

  • YAY! my question was answered! BOO! i don't like the answer! MEH! i can respect it!

  • Would only like to point out that a large portion of the series fan base will be deciding whether this is worth playing or not based on the type of subscription model that will be used. Many players refuse entirely to have anything to do with PAY-TO-PLAY models.
  • I hope it's good, but I can't say I'll be playing it.

  • looks cool, glad to hear more

  • wish they had addressed my question about spell creation at 23:35 but I'm happy with what I got.

  • My question at 3:51. like a boss.
  • Are you done servicing Bethesda yet? Can you get off your knees and write about something else for change?
  • I can't wait to see what they do with this in the future (content drops, monthly content and what not), and I can't wait to visit Elsewhere. I'd definitely pay a monthly membership fee for this game, but the only problem is that I don't have a gaming-centric computer; I'm running on a five-six year-old HP laptop, I can barely play Minecraft on the lowest settings as it is.

    Mumble grumble broke-as-hell.
  • "MMO conventions"

    "Pick one direction"

    Good lord how ignorant can these developers be!? MMOs are NOT confined to WoW-like combat! I bet they had NO CLUE what Mortal Online was. If you are developing an MMO you should have played EVERY MMO in your genre for a couple of hours at least...

    @Matt Firor: Reassess your idea of what an MMO can be. If all developers think like you, MMOs will be stuck in the WoW rut forever. You CAN ABSOLUTELY do a first-person, Skyrim combat, etc in an MMO. You should be apologetic for making a typical MMO with the Elder Scrolls stamp on it. You should be making an ELDER SCROLLS MMO. You are not doing that and it WILL kill this game's chances for true success. As it stands this game is NOT worthy of the "Elder Scrolls" franchise.

    Don't be so short-sighted Matt, you CAN make it work and it will be ten thousand times more fun than the WoW/GW2 copy-paste you have going at the moment.

    We believe in you. NGE/CU your game before release. Make it Elder Scrolls in gameplay as well as setting and you will win. If you stray, you will lose and your game will be dead in a year.

    We want to play an Elder Scrolls MMO with Skyrim mechanics. We CANNOT just go "play Skyrim" and experience that since Skyrim is single-player. Grow some balls and get it done.

    EDIT: Here's a question you should be asking yourselves. What was the only Elder Scrolls game to stray from first-person direct-action combat? Answer: Redguard. Look how that turned out.
  • nice

  • It sounds a bit like a hybrid between skill based and level based systems! I remember a system like that from Asherons Call back around 1999/2000 and I enjoyed it a lot.  I hope they continue to work in that direction.

    I also really hope the central area of the world (pvp zone) is designed to accomidate the endgame population. We need to be going there at/near endgame for everyday functionality. (material/resource collection and elder content)If it turns into a instanced Battle-Ground gear grind you guys are going to loose like everyone else who reskins wow.

  • I wish they answered the region question better. It sounds like if I'm a Bosmer in the Aldmeri Dominion, I wouldn't be able to go to Skyrim or Morrowind at all without it maybe being some instanced PVP battle over something. It makes sense thematically from the way they're setting up the game, but sounds like it would kind of be a bummer.

    Would also like more clarification on what Firor meant before about a "100%" solo campaign but I'm sure that'll come out a little further on down the road.

  • OH! That is so cute!

  • just having the lore does not make it The Elder Scrolls.
  • ZeniMax Online, please stop acting like the reason that you're doing things the way you're doing them is because mmorpgs can't do anything else. With all due respect, I don't think that could be the reason, and if you think it is, you need to play and survey the mmo landscape a little more thoroughly. Many games that have come out already have proven this kind of thinking to be incorrect, and have done real time combat, classless gameplay, realistic graphics, open factions, flying, etc.

    This may be the easier way to make an mmorpg, the traditional route with a few minor innovations, but it's certainly not the only way it can be done. Maybe the real reason is because you think this is how you'll make the most money, or this is the road Zenimax and the investors are forcing you to walk down because they think WoW numbers are the goal?
    I don't know if any of that is part of the equation, but I do know that an mmorpg can be what you want it to be, within reason, just like a single player game. An mmo doesn't need to be narrowly defined by the most well known games in the genre, as if that's what an mmo must be by definition.

    Disappointed that there will probably only be horses as mounts, no dragons, and that factions are race-locked. I guess no flying either? Sigh....

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