ASUS video hints of a possible dual booting Windows/Android tablet

0. phoneArena posted on 31 May 2012, 20:36

A brief 16 second video from ASUS might be hinting of a dual booting tablet to come soon from the manufacturer; in the video, one drop of water splits into two drops and one has the Windows Phone logo inside while the other houses the Android logo...

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1. Suts_97 posted on 31 May 2012, 20:42 12 1

Awesome! If this is true, it's gonna be the best tablet ever, c'mon, take my money!

13. bobfreking55 posted on 31 May 2012, 23:23 2 3

what if your money's not enough? *dreams crushed* lol.
i hope there's a cheap RT Version and an x86 Version... the x86 one may be 1000 dollars or more.

19. PhoneLuver posted on 4 days ago, 02:47 2 1

Is that Windows phone or Windows 8? I sincerely hope it's Windows 8.
I don't see the point of having WP on a tablet.

2. hung2900 posted on 31 May 2012, 20:58 5 1

If this is true, shut up and take my money!
Even Samsung releases a superior Galaxy Note 10.1, I still buy Asus's tablet. I have a tf101 and it's great.

3. Lucas777 posted on 31 May 2012, 21:11 4 9

i dont really see the point of it booting both… the only reason would be to use android apps, but windows appears to provide a better workplace/flow.. i hope there is some sort of internal file system between the two because otherwise there would be no point in booting into the other if all your files are on one-- if there is no lag then i guess why not, but i would not take this over an efficient windows tablet

5. denied911 posted on 31 May 2012, 21:14 6 3

Android is better, is open source and you can customize whole thing, not to mention you can have in windows on arm only 1 browser, but Microsoft will never allowed to product with 2 systems or even posibility to install another system on their Windows device
on android with root you can browse every file, even system files

7. Lucas777 posted on 31 May 2012, 21:21 1 5

i know u can browse files with android… but if those files to not transfer over to the windows counterpart, which is easily the more working part, then it is pointless… and so what if microsoft doesnt allow more than one internet browser? ie is fine on the tablet, and its not like you are going to switch into android just to use a seperate browser… the main issue here is not if android is better, but that these two oses will not cohere on one device and switching between the two will be ugly and a mess… if asus finds a way to integrate the file systems (which i dont think is possible) then it would be alright

21. denied911 posted on 4 days ago, 04:19 1 1

I read on xda article that microsoft will not alowed to instal other oses on WARM devices, so it is hope when you buy android tablet that you can install only pirated windows, I like to have freedom and do or install whatever i want not whatever ms will let me, app base for windows will be funny at start like 60 and that's it. Interet explorer is slow, on android with the same soc and screen browser is 2-3 times faster and I mean THE SAME cpu/gpu/ram/resolution and so on! On pc IE suck too, on my 7 months old laptop with i5, IE with every update is about 5 times slower from firefox/chrome/opera, and to be funny I have like 7-8 years old laptop on Pentium M and in java benchmark sunspider IE has 9000ms (lower=better) and firefox has 600ms so exactly 15 times better! and even nokia N8 can beat that with 8000ms and that's 1,5 year old phone with very slow cpu

27. Tux4g63 posted on 4 days ago, 11:01 2

I think this concept has been around for a while, and maybe to me it coincides with the release of Intel's Orange chipset for mobile devices. In theory an x86 processor that is highly energy efficient would be able to run both Windows natively and boot into Android if MS has worked out the kinks so far.

The way I see it, one device could be used to realistically replace 2. Along the lines of Asus releasing tablets with full keyboard/connectivity options/extended battery life docks this makes sense if the price is right.

On the one hand you have a fully functional Laptop, when connected to the dock, that runs windows. On the other hand you have a fully functioning Android tablet that is portable and should have outstanding battery life. In a sense, the best of both worlds that would make sense ONLY if the price reflects the balance between the two.

If this is more than $1,000 retail, it is a hard sell to pitch to a market niche as a replacement for 2 devices. Currently you can buy a high end Android tablet for $500 and a very decent Windows laptop for $500.

8. protozeloz posted on 31 May 2012, 21:27 3 1

It would be a pain in the ass if you need to boot one at the time. and I dont see a way they could work together so easy

11. neutralguy posted on 31 May 2012, 22:07 4 1

maybe, windows 8 won't have any restriction on browsing system files. Maybe, just like browsing windows 7, you will just need some authentication such as password and username to access other files. If that is what will happen why not? Let's not forget that it is windows 8 not WP7.5 which lacks file browser.

23. denied911 posted on 4 days ago, 04:21 1 1

too late M$ allready announced restrictions, i read article on xda, you can find it read and never buy it

15. johnmayfieldjr posted on 4 days ago, 00:45 1 1

It would be great to see the both operating together instead of booting separately. Using the windows for files and navigation, keeping things organized with an android system in the background. Perhaps this is the message the ad was getting across. Whatever it may be im in, thowing the money like everyone else.

4. protozeloz posted on 31 May 2012, 21:11 4 9

am I the only one to think this is not such a great idea? at least not on a tablet

6. hung2900 posted on 31 May 2012, 21:19 4 2

I am using a dual-boot tf101 ith ICS and Ubuntu. Android is suitable for entertainment only, not for other purposes. And Windows is better than Ubuntu, of course.

10. protozeloz posted on 31 May 2012, 21:45 1 1

what you mean by "other purposes"

9. BattleBrat posted on 31 May 2012, 21:36 8 1

*Repeatedly throws wallet at computer monitor * c'mon TAKE IT!! TAKE MY MONEY!!!!!

20. adi4u4882 posted on 4 days ago, 04:17 2 1

Just throw it at me! :D

12. VJo003 posted on 31 May 2012, 22:24 2 1

One for work & one for play
The best of both worlds :)

18. GJanee posted on 4 days ago, 02:13 1 1

true that. although i think xbox live will perform well too on the tablet, if the marketplace will be flooded with newer and better games.

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