

by Jeff

Image text: We once got grounded when we convinced the FAA to block flights through our county because of ash clouds.

The image text is a reference to the recent explosion of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland which created such a large ash cloud with the wind blowing in such a specific direction that it canceled flights throughout Europe for several days.

This comic is a reference to the child's game in which you pretend the floor is lava and you try to move about the room without touching the floor.  In the comic, one character has just pressed a dynamite plunger, the next is using the garden hose to cool the "lava" and the third is radioing for a helicopter.

This is obviously taken to the extreme.  When I played this game, I only jumped from couch to chair to couch before "burning up" in the lava.  Anyone else have a similar/different experience?

UPDATE: Thanks to commenter DT for noticing that these are all actions performed in the movie Volcano by the character played by Tommy Lee Jones.  Thanks DT!

Filed under: Airports, Lava 11 Comments




