
Family Decals

by Jeff

Image text: My decal set has no adults, just a sea of hundreds of the little girl figures closing in around a single cat.

So, I don't know if this is the case in other countries, but a trend in the US for families, especially families with vans or pseudo-vans like the ones in this comic, is to put little stick figure decals on the back of the car with the composition of their family.  I'm not sure the reason for this, but it is fairly common.

In this case, the second car, instead of children, it has lots of money.  This is because children are expensive.

In the image text, I'm not sure if there is a reference in there, or if it is just trying to be a weird decals to freak out other drivers.

Filed under: Cars, Cats 52 Comments

Laser Pointer

by Jeff

Image text: It's a lasing cat-vity!

This comic is a cat's dream sequence in which the cat finally catches the laser pointer. (If you are not familiar, cats love to chase laser pointers.)  The cat catches and then consumes the laser pointer and becomes some sort of laser cat.  It then destroys its tormentor.

The image text is a pun on "laser cavity".

Filed under: Cats, Color 5 Comments


by Jeff

Image text: If I'm such a god, why isn't Maru *my* cat?

This comic is describing all the work that has to go into a simple task by a computer, and when listed out it is impressive.  But, not as impressive as Maru the cat.

Maru is a cat that is fairly famous on youtube for cutely jumping in and out of things.

Here's an example of Maru jumping in and out of a large box.  Trust me, there are plenty more versions on youtube.

Filed under: Apple, Cats No Comments




