Media UK

Log in

We don't think you want another password to remember: so Media UK wants to make it easy for you to log in by using an account you already have.

Login with Facebook Login with Google

We permanently log you in - log in, and you'll stay logged-in until you log out.

You can only be logged into one computer - we'll automatically log you out of any others.

How we use third-party services

We don't write anything to your timeline. We ask for offline access so that you can log out of Facebook for your privacy. We'll ask when we'd suggest you post something on your wall.

We cannot write to your Google+ account. We're asking for offline access so that you can log out of Google for your privacy.

In both cases, we make a local copy of your basic profile information and copy your photograph (if you have one) to our servers. We update this information every time you log in. We use your email address as a unique identity. If you share the same email address on Google and Facebook, we'll combine the information we're sent from each provider.

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Our posting policy

Logging in to post messages or comments? Please read our posting policy.

Useful account management

See all websites that you've given access in Facebook and Google