1,125 reputation
bio website msquant.alwaysdata.net
location Århus, Denmark
age 47
visits member for 1 year, 9 months
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stats profile views 338

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And support the Q&A; site "Wikis and Wikipedia", a Stack Exchange site proposal on Area 51, by becoming a "committer".

Some entries from iRosetta:

Bioinformatics application developer. Software Engineer. M.Sc.E.E. C++ (10 years), software engineering, .NET/C#/VB.NET (7 years), usability testing, Perl, scientific computing, Python, Windows/Macintosh/Linux, Z80 assembly.

My other accounts:

iRosetta. [/].

Stack Overflow (SO). [/].

Server Fault (SF). [/].

Super User (SU). [/].

Meta Stack Overflow (MSO). [/].

Careers. [/].


Full jump page with other SOFU related, Stack Exchange sites, etc.


I can be contacted through this reCAPTCHA (requires JavaScript to be allowed from google.com).

Stack Overflow Stack Overflow 4,534 rep 42151
Meta Stack Overflow Meta Stack Overflow 3,513 rep 31032
Super User Super User 3,420 rep 31742
Area 51 Area 51 3,201 rep 1334
Server Fault Server Fault 1,150 rep 4918
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