I would like to use static analysis to prevent "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference".

As far as I know there is a static analyzers for Java that use @NotNull/@Nullable. Programmer explicitly express his intentions by specifying those annotations for every member/function/argument so that tool can verify if everything is corrent and every @Nullable -> @NotNull conversion is made with a check for null. For me it would be more comfortable to only specify @Nullable so that everything else could be treated like @Nullable but it's not necessary.

I wonder if there are free tools of that kind for Actionscript 3?

I have FlashBuilder 4.5 license but beyond that I'd prefer not to purchase anything else. I heard that IntelliJ IDEA might have such a thing but it only works with Actionscript in Ultimate Edition which is not free :(

So the questions are:

  1. Is there such static analyzer for Actionscript 3?
  2. How much will it costs if it's not free?
  3. Is there any other solutions for preventing 1009 error except "check everything and transform your code into a mess".
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