I am attempting to do some Html parsing in a C#. After searching SO for insights into where I should begin, at Parsing HTML with c#.net I found references and high praise of this: http://htmlagilitypack.codeplex.com/ I would like to use this in my project but I do not know the correct steps to use a custom Library. After downloading I do not know what to do with the files. I know how to reference the dll. but I am uncertain what to do with the other files(.XML, .PDB)

Step by step instructions would be great.

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What are you having difficulties with? – Oded 51 mins ago

1 Answer

You need to add a reference to the DLL.

Once done, you can add a using directive to your code in order to use the types defined in the library directly.

All the details you need are in the links I posted.

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