About UrbanBaby

Since its launch in 1999, UrbanBaby has been an invaluable resource for urban parents.

The heart of the site is Talk, our lively message boards section, where parents come day and night to share, discuss and ask questions related to parenting and their lives as parents. Talk is a place for honest, uninhibited discussions, quick answers, banter and community.

In addition to our message boards, we offer in-depth local information for New York and San Francisco, local message boards for additional urban areas, and we will be rolling out new local resource guides in 2008. We also offer general parenting and product news & tips in Buzz.

The site was founded by Susan and John Maloney and was acquired by CNET Networks in 2006. We are proud of our community of loyal users, and hope that you will find the site useful and entertaining. Please send us feedback and suggestions!

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Press Coverage


Jane Goldman, Editorial Director
Erin Sheehan, Community Moderator
Joyce Slaton, Freelance Editor/Writer
Bart Hazer, Engineering Manager
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Inside UrbanBaby


jazzy.jpgTrumpette broke through the crowded shelves of baby stores in the early 2000s, first with cute little six-packs of baby socks that resembled Mary Jane shoes, then with sneaker-like socks. At $24 for six tiny pairs of socks, Trumpette didn’ ... More »


The StudioOnce energized by the noisy scene surrounding the revolving crop of NYC fitness studios, you’ve grown tired of comparing who wore what Lululemon. You’re ready for some peace and quiet along with the calorie burning. A little spot of ... More »