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  4. Fourth Review

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until game release
  • Summary: A legend is born in this open-world adventure. Assume the role of the Arisen, a legendary hero in a land haunted by a feared, omnipotent dragon. As you fight to protect your homeland, you will pick up companions, make enemies, and find yourself embroiled in an even deeper mystery.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 3
  2. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. May 4, 2012
    Combat feels like a necessary part of the game's design, rather than something that was begrudgingly added to provide interaction between cutscenes. I left the game feeling that I made my mark on Gransys the way I chose to, instead of being escorted from plot point to plot point. When you're talking about an open-world game, I can't think of higher praise. [June 2012, p.90]
  2. 80
    Down-the-line but polished to the detail action RPG offers an open world, a great combat system with companions and great visuals. Do not miss this piece! [May 2012]
  3. 60
    Much like the main character's chest cavity, this RPG ultimately feels hollow, with no real heart. [July 2012, p.76]