
100 Best Albums of the 2000s


The Flaming Lips, 'Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots'

The Flaming Lips, 'Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots'

Wayne Coyne took two decades and a long, bizarre road through drug-addled metal and alt-pop before he nailed the Pet Sounds in his psychedelia. Yoshimi is a delightful iridescent bomb of buoyant electronics, imaginary Japanese animé and plaintive vocal surrender. The real war — inside the steam clouds of synthesizer and Cat Stevens echoes on "Fight Test"; under the tubular-bell sunshine of "Do You Realize??" — was between Coyne and his insecurities. The Lips' 10th album was Coyne's first as a wide-open songwriter — inviting and vulnerable — and the result was total, dazzling victory.


Rolling Stone's Original 2002 Review

The Flaming Lips Plan 'Yoshimi' Musical

Video: Flaming Lips Rehearse Trippy Version of 'Do You Realize?'

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