
500 Greatest Albums


Portrait of a Legend 1951-1964 - Sam Cooke

Portrait of a Legend 1951-1964 - Sam Cooke

"Sam Cooke was the best singer who ever lived, no contest," asserted Atlantic Records' Jerry Wexler. Quite simply, Cooke invented soul music, and his gospel-rooted vocal style, with its swooping transitions from silk to sandpaper, is one of the most influential of the last half-century. He was also a gifted songwriter, penning hits as varied as 1957's lighter-than-air "You Send Me" and the 1964 civil-rights anthem "A Change Is Gonna Come." This collection spans his career, from 1951 tracks with the Soul Stirrers to the 1964 single "Shake," which was released shortly after Cooke was shot at an L.A. motel.

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