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Novalogic Suing Activision Over Delta Force Trademarks

Activision is facing a federal lawsuit over its use of the Delta Force name and symbol, which developer Novalogic says violates its trademark. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 references Delta Force, which is a nickname for the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D). The U.S. Army doesn't acknowledge the Delta Force name, which is why Novalogic was able to trademark it in 1998 for use in its Delta Force series of first-person shooters.

The suit claims that Activision has infringed on Novalogic's Delta Force logo (above, left) with its own version (above, right). "Although there is much lore surrounding special operation units, only because of the 'Delta Force' series does the general public identify the logo with any ancillary existing military unit," says the suit. According to Novalogic, Activision is violating its trademark by not only copying the logo, but by putting Delta Force in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

The lawsuit, which seeks unspecified damages, also calls out a number of Activision partners. Turtle Beach and Microsoft are included in the suit for manufacturing limited-edition headsets and game consoles, respectively, and BradyGames included screens of the offending content in its official strategy guide.

"As a result of defendants' wrongful conduct, NovaLogic has lost millions of dollars, possibly more," the complaint says. "If defendants' infringing practices are not discontinued quickly, it is likely that the damage to NovaLogic will grow exponentially, causing more confusion in the market place, and to the reputation for quality that NovaLogic has worked so hard to establish."

Activision has yet to respond to the suit. We'll keep you posted when they do.

[Source Courthouse News]

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  • Uh oh. Looks like they're big ole copy cats!
  • This is like 3 lawsuits at once, I love it.
  • Why am I not surprise. Geez Activision just can't get a breather....what is next. China sues Activision for stealing an idea that China already stole?
  • Who is going to sue them next? Im going with Activision, yes they will sue them self. Because it what all the cool kids are doing.
  • Ok, This is absolutely pathetic, and I dont have much love for activision anyway. First, How come it took them 6 months to figure this out, and file the lawsuit? Second, HOW IN THE WORLD ARE YOU LOSING MONEY BECAUSE OF THIS?! Last I checked, I wasnt buying the game because of the fact that Delta Force was in it. FInally, why the hell are you suing BradyGames for putting screenshots of Delta Force in its strategy guide. It would be weird if they didnt, having a Strategy guide that omits parts of the game? Makes no sense. This Lawsuit should be tossed out of court immediately, and Novalogic should be made to wear a Dunce Cap
  • Activision only care about making money, and are willing to steal to do so. Must be part of the Thieves Guild.
  • I want to see Activision fall so I'm alright with this!
  • Ahhh, good old Delta Force. Everyone seems to want to get a piece of Activision these days.
  • NovaLogic essentially just called Activision crap (not arguing). It's right in the second to last paragraph where it says "the damage to NovaLogic will grow exponentially, causing more confusion in the market place, and to the reputation for QUALITY that NovaLogic has worked so hard to establish."
  • man...activision is just pissin everybody off these days!
  • Activision is wrong for what it did, I hope Delta Force wins against 'em
  • wow, everyone needs to stop being on the call of duty hate bandwagon just cause it has sold the best and is REALLY GOOD. Its not my favorite game but its defenitly up there and I'm not gonna go bias on it for being successful where others have not, its like hating mcdonalds for being more successful than other fast food resturants, or outback steakhouse for it being the only one able to make the the AWESOME BLOMMIN ONION. now im hungry :-p
  • "NovaLogic has lost millions of dollars, possibly more,"


    Over a somewhat similar logo, used for the most generic sounding name possible for a fictional spec-ops team.

    EDIT: I know Delta Force is a real thing, but neither group in either game is supposed to reflect it, and if they do, they do it very poorly. The logos above aren't even similar to the real thing.
  • wow, there is definitely a case for plagiarism there. Unfortunately while there are very distinct similarities one could argue that enough was changed to avoid infringement. Activision needs to get it together.
  • NovaLogic is still around!?! Haven't heard from them since...well, '98-ish. Anyway, this reeks of "Let's take Activision's money" - which I'm all for, btw. Between COD and Skylanders, they have PLENTY - but what exactly is the problem besides the similar logo? I mean, yeah, it's scummy that Activision is using the Delta Force name when it's Novalogic's, but what else is new. This is Bobby Kotick we're talking about. But on the other hand, it's not like you're doing anything with it, Novalogic.
  • I say we all just Sue them for being dicks. See if we can finally get rid of them.

  • Two things: Another suit against activision? lol! second has anyone evn heard of the series or dev in the last ten yrs?
  • "If defendants' infringing practices are not discontinued quickly, it is likely that the damage to NovaLogic will grow exponentially, causing more confusion in the market place, and to the reputation for quality that NovaLogic has worked so hard to establish." Seriously? What damage? NovaLogic hasn't been around since that series (which died off BTW) a long time ago. I'm not defending Activision at all, but I'm just bewildered since NovaLogic hasn't exactly been in the public's eye for YEARS and now out of the blue they come charging to the front as if they never left. Unless they've made a bunch of games after Delta Force that I'm not aware of, but that series tanked rather quickly and NovaLogic subsequently dropped off the face of the earth as far as I was concerned.
  • Activision will just settle with NovaLogic and keep the logo. This wouldn't be the first time someone sued Activision over something with Call of Duty.

  • I just can't grasp that it took them this long to figure it out... I mean, there were plenty of references to it before release, and how can they lose MILLIONS OF DOLLARS?!?!!?!? If they haven't made a game since '98? I'm basically reiterating everything everyone else has commented but this is pretty rediculous.
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