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Kim Dotcom: Megaupload tycoon's flamboyant lifestyle in New Zealand

Kim Schmitz on the talk show 'Nachtcafe'

The closure of Megaupload and arrest of its operators has focused attention on Kim Dotcom, also known as Kim Schmitz, the file sharing website’s flamboyant founder. The obese, 6ft7ins, 37-year-old playboy is accused of leading a $175m conspiracy of criminal copyright infringement, money laundering, and racketeering.

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Kim Schmitz on the talk show 'Nachtcafe' German Internet millionaire Kim Schmitz arrives for 
a trial at a district court in Munich Kim Schmitz and Janina Youssefian in the British Virgin Islands Kim Schmitz and Janina Youssefian with friends on board the yacht 'Amnesia' in the British Virgin Islands
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