Tuesday, January 24, 2012

10 Reasons Why You Should Join a Blog Challenge

Since the beginning of January I’ve joined several blog challenges and have a few more challenges coming up. So why should you join a blog challenge check out my reasons below:

  1. Challenges are a great way to get traffic to your blog.
  2. Challenges help you to connect with like-minded people. (I found a couple of critique partners during the current 12x12 in 2012 challenge).
  3. Challenges help to keep you motivated  (In 2011 I posted 41 times. So far in 2012 I’ve posted 42 times and January isn't even over yet!)
  4. Challenges help you to find inspiration for blog posts (I have post-it notes all over my desk in response to comments made on my blog and from following a commenter back to his/her blog).
  5. Challenges are a learning opportunity. (Again, in my blog travels I have found a ton of useful information some of which I’ve applied to my own writing).
  6. Challenges expose you to new blogs that you may have never found on your own (most challenges have an online sign up sheet where you can see a list of the participants and get a link to his/her blog).
  7. Challenges help you to create a better blog. (There are few changes I’ve made to my blog because I liked what I saw on another person’s blog. And In eight days I will be participating in Critique My Blog which is sure to help me create a better blog!)
  8. Challenges help you to feel connected. (At times writing leaves me feeling lonely, but writing doesn't have to be a lone journey).
  9. Challenges help you to reach your goals. (I want to read 100 books this year so I joined a reading challenge. I also want to write down all the picture book stories that have been floating around in my head so I joined 12x12 in 2012 in which I write a new picture book every month).
  10. Challenges are just plain fun! Blogging should be fun. (I didn't blog much last year because I didn't really enjoy it, but now that I'm part of a community; in which I have something to say, I'm blogging almost everyday and loving it).
 If you liked this post please let others know. Come back tomorrow for Poetry Wednesday in which I'll be discussing Shel Silverstein (poet and children's author).

Challenges I’m Participating In
Upcoming Challenges


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