Jonathan Potter – Books


Books may be purchased from publishers’ websites or Amazon.  Although the full text of Social Texts and Context is available here it is still in copyright.  Please do not circulate without permission. 





The full text of this book is available electronically here.  It is out of print, although sometimes can be found 2nd hand.  Please do not reproduce or circulate without permission.





*      Cover

*      Introduction

*      Chapter 1

*      Chapter 2

*      Chapter 3

*      Chapter 4

*      Chapter 5

*      Chapter 6

*      Chapter 7

*      Chapter 8

*      Notes, bibliography and index


*      Potter, J., Stringer, P. and Wetherell, M. (1984).  Social Texts and Context: Literature and Social Psychology.  London; Routledge.

DASP low res

        A Chinese edition of Discourse and Social Psychology is now out.  This includes a new preface and a new postscript.  These provide an overview of how the different themes in the book have been developed in the intervening years.  Please do not reproduce or circulate without permission.  A Greek edition is in press.  A Spanish edition is being prepared.

 Chinese DASP low res 

*      Preface

*      Postscript


*      Potter, J. & Wetherell, M. (1987) Discourse and Social Psychology: Beyond attitudes and behaviour.  London; Sage.



*      Wetherell, M. & Potter, J. (1992). Mapping the Language of Racism: Discourse and the legitimation of exploitation.  New York: Columbia University Press/London: Harvester/Wheatsheaf.

*      Edwards, D. & Potter, J. (1992).  Discursive Psychology.  London: Sage.


Representing Reality

This is also available in a Spanish edition.

Rep Reality Spanish low res

*      Potter, J. (1996) Representing Reality: Discourse, rhetoric and social construction.  London; Sage.


Focus Group Practice

*      Puchta, C. & Potter, J. (2004).  Focus Group Practice.  London: Sage.

*      te Molder, H. & Potter, J. (2005). Conversation and Cognition.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



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*      Potter, J. (Ed.)(2007).  Discourse and Psychology: Volume I Theory and Method.  London; Sage.


*      Potter, J. (Ed.)(2007).  Discourse and Psychology: Volume II Discourse and Social Psychology.  London; Sage.


*      Potter, J. (Ed.)(2007).  Discourse and Psychology: Volume III Discursive Psychology.  London; Sage.

