Wednesday, April 18, 2012

P is for Prose

By Rena J. Traxel
P is for prose.  Before the written word poems were passed down orally. Once poems hit the pages, poets started to think about line breaks.

What is a prose poem?  Prose poems lack line breaks, but “maintains a poetic quality, often utilizing techniques common to poetry, such as fragmentation, compression, repetition, and rhyme. The prose poem can range in length from a few lines to several pages long, and it may explore a limitless array of styles and subjects” (

Here is a prose poem I wrote about a month ago as part of exercise for class. Writing in this form is not something I like. I think line breaks are a lot of fun so I re-wrote the poem using lines breaks.  

Raggedy Ann: red hair, painted nose, smiling face, open eyes. She’s dressed in old-fashioned handmade clothes — dress, apron, pantaloons. I picked her from a garbage dump, brought her home, cleaned her up. She’s perched on a shelf above my desk. Watching over me. A child’s toy. A toy I never had.

Raggedy Ann

Perched on shelf above my desk–
red hair,
painted nose,
smiling face,
open eyes. 

She’s dressed in old-fashioned handmade clothes–

I picked her from a garbage dump–
brought her home
cleaned her up.

Perched on shelf above my desk–
A child’s toy.
A toy I never had.

Do you see the difference? They both sound the same, but do not look the same. The second poem would be considered free verse. I prefer line breaks, but I also prefer to use punctuation in my poems. These are choices every poet must make. If a prose poem is to be seen on the page, I would recommend using punctuation or risk having a poem that looks like one long run on sentence. 

--Today I want you to play with form (think about lines breaks and punctuation). Try writing a prose poem using a photo that inspires you. Or
--Use my photo of Raggedy and write a poem.


 If you liked this post please let others know. Tomorrow, Ishta Mercurio will be joining us to talk about query letters. I hope you come back for that. 


  1. Rena I'm really confused between free verse and prose poems. With your line breaks is yours free verse? I look forward to doing this one when I'm back home.

    1. The second poem isn't a prose poem. I was just showing what happens to a poem when line breaks are introduced.

  2. I have mine up and I have to admit...I strayed today. See post:
    Thanks, Rena!!!!

    1. No big deal. I just wanted participants to play around with form today.

  3. I had a go, it sounds just like a short story lol. You are really stretching us Rena, thanks so much!

    1. I find the same thing with some prose poems.

  4. Thanks for the lesson today Rena!!

    Here's mine:

    My Way

    I'm on my way, down a road. Exactly where I want to go. It's over the hill. It's through the woods. I skip, I run, but mainly I walk. Maybe it's to nowhere. Though, I sure do have fun. It clears my head. It sparks some thoughts-
    Will I find the way? Will the end up happy? I walk and I wish. My feet move fast, slow. I'm on my way down a road.
    Towards...the unknown.

    1. I love this, Jennifer! I love the way it speeds up, then slows down. Even after it slows at the end, there's still heavy breathing for the excitement of the unknown (or the mystery).

    2. I totally missed this golden nugget. Love it!

    3. I totally missed this golden nugget. Love it!

  5. Interesting, I will have to spend more time with this one and catch up later!

    1. Thanks Julie. I'm looking forward to it.

  6. Rena, you're making us work today. I love it, though. I've researched and read about prose a lot today. I still don't think I quite understand. However, I'm gonna give it a try.

  7. The difference is subtle, but definitely noticable. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Prose that sounds beautiful!

    1. Prose does have a wonderful ring to it.

  9. Last month I attended a poetry open mic. I was the only one with a poem that rhymed. Prose is in!

    1. Neat and good to know. I'll be sure to stop by your blog.


Thanks for your comments. Remember to keep them kid friendly.