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A to Z Challenge: Location and Positioning »
Related to consistency would be continuity. Yeah... I think that by now you've realized that I sound like a broken record. I've already spoken about gaps between scenes. I've already spoke...
A to Z Challenge: Keeping Things Consistent »
This one's also pretty easy, but very freaking tedious to do. Still, it wouldn't be right if I made all my topics too difficult, so here goes. When you get around to editing, it's pretty i...
Misha Gericke
Yeah those ones are really tricky.
A to Z Challenge: Keep Moving »
Sometimes, things just go wrong. No matter how well we plan, we can't foresee everything. So things happen. Sometimes, you won't be able to perform as well as you wanted to. Otherwise, things ...
june cochran
that is so true now I have no good freinds any one need a good friend? holy cow you must be very brave if do this! All of you are so nice to me and I have no children to wish I would STOP well they got this thing for me
A to Z Challenge: Jumps »
When you draft, do you also sort of ignore some tricky or unknown scenes, saying you'll do them later? Well, revisions are when you want to fill in the gaps that make the story jump forward faster...
Misha Gericke
Me too. I tend to go through the scenes I can without looking back. Then I start filling in during rewrites. But since I'm seemingly the only one that sees rewrites as part of the process, I suggested in the blog that people fix the skipped scenes during revisions. :-)
A to Z Challenge: Introduction »
I can think of three reasons why introductions need to be looked at. First one would be that the character is important, but doesn't make enough of a first impression. The reader's not going t...
A to Z Challenge: I can »
When you're in the process of taking charge of your life, it's so important to believe in yourself and the talents you've been given. To me, this is so important that if this was anything ...
A to Z Challenge: Heading to a Point »
I might be the only one, but I find that when it comes to editing, I need a bit extra in the way of motivation to get something done. For me, setting a deadline goal and making it public works. Becaus...
A to Z Challenge: Grammar and other Writing Conventions »
Yes yes, I know this is a pretty obvious choice for G, but you know what they say, it's a classic for a reason. There are always some of the lucky few that have a natural feel for grammar and the ...
A to Z Challenge: God »
Hi all! Before I start with today's post, I would like to point out that, if you looked at today's heading and thought it would be dealing with faith, you're completely correct. I would al...
A to Z Challenge: Earth the Reader »
Broadly speaking, it works like this: There's an aspect or thing that has an impact on the story or character. Say... a gun that kills an intruder. Easy, right? Well... no. Because if you want to ...
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