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Dems: Expand gaming to fund job creation

Posted: December 20, 2011 - 12:16pm

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The Legislature’s Democratic leaders rolled out a 14-point plan for job growth Tuesday that would rely on gaming money rather than the state general fund.

The plan, Kansas Jobs First, would provide tax incentives for job training and fully fund job initiatives in the state put on hold by the recession.

“When the Kansas legislative session convenes in 2012, I’m hopeful that all Kansas legislators, Republican and Democrat, will join together to move these policies forward, to uphold our values and create jobs,” said House Minority Leader Paul Davis, D-Lawrence. “It’s what the people of Kansas are asking for us to do. It’s what they’re depending upon us to do.”

Davis’ comments came in a media briefing at the Statehouse that also included Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley, D-Topeka, Senate Minority Whip Tom Holland, D-Baldwin City, and Rep. Ann Mah, D-Topeka.

Gov. Sam Brownback’s office issued a brief statement in response to the Democrats’ plan.

“We welcome all ideas on how to create jobs in Kansas and look forward to working with all Kansas legislators in the coming session to move our great state forward,” the statement read. “Our focus is on the full agenda already proposed with KPERS (Kansas Public Employees Retirement System) reform, pro-growth tax policy, Medicaid reform, school finance and water conservation.”

Kansas Republican Party executive director Clay Barker also said his group welcomed all ideas.

“At first brush, however, the 14 points appear to emphasize even more direct government intervention in the market, more spending, more regulations and more tax code complexity,” a statement by Barker read.

In what Hensley called “a collaborative effort” between legislators and citizens, the Democrats prefiled more than a dozen bills they said will help Kansas’ 50,000 unemployed residents.

Three would require new revenue:

■ $3 million for an income tax credit for post-secondary students.

■ $4 million to fully fund the Kansas Economic Growth Act, passed in 2006 to increase investment in biotechnology.

■ $20.6 million for technical education ($2 million for an apprenticeship tax credit and $18.6 million to fund the three-year technical education formula approved in 2011).

To fund the initiatives, Hensley and the Democrats proposed lowering investment thresholds to attract a “destination casino” for southeast Kansas and put slot machines in racetracks across the state.

Hensley said the gambling dollars also would help jump-start nearly $1 billion in deferred maintenance projects at state universities.

“We can no longer neglect these needs,” Hensley said. “And it all can be done without taking a cent from the state general fund.”

The Democrats’ plan also includes proposals they said will be revenue-neutral, such as prohibiting employers from discriminating against unemployed applicants and requiring contractors to hire at least 70 percent of their work force from in-state for most public projects of more than $100,000.

Others are efforts that traditionally have had Republican support nationwide, such as the Kansas Immigration Accountability Act. That would require all public employers to use the federal E-Verify system to ensure they only hire workers who are in the country legally.

Eric Stafford, senior director of government affairs for the Kansas Chamber of Commerce, said his group is wary of the in-state labor restrictions for contractors because it could spur similar protectionism in other states.

“Typically, we prefer to stay more free market and let the best competitor win (state contracts),” Stafford said.

The chamber also has opposed state E-Verify mandates in the past. But Stafford said the organization would be more amenable if the mandate is truly restricted to public employees.

“If the government wants to use E-Verify on their own employees and report back to the Legislature and see how it works, I’d be interested to see their data,” Stafford said. “But (private-sector) employers shouldn’t be used as guinea pigs.”

Davis acknowledged that with only 33 Democrats in the 125-member House and eight in the 40-member Senate, it would be difficult for his party to push the session agenda.

But he said Republicans should look at voter frustration over gridlock in Washington, D.C., as a cautionary tale.

“Obviously Democrats are in the minority, and any time we propose legislation we’re fighting a bit of an uphill battle,” Davis said. “But we believe Republicans should recognize that Kansans are clamoring for some action on jobs.”

Andy Marso can be reached

at 785-295-5619

or andy.marso@cjonline.com. Follow him on Twitter


Andy Marso can be reached at (785) 233-7470 or andy.marso@cjonline.com.
Follow Andy on Twitter @andymarso.

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knowit 12/20/11 - 12:42 pm

No more casinos

I'm not opposed to gambling, but Kansas can only support so many casinos. No companies want to try it in SE KS. The casinos here now, and those being built are enough (maybe already too many). Beyond those you start hurting the ones already here. We are close to our saturation point. Hensley and Davis, the two most partisan members of the legislature are only trying to start a fight about gaming for partisan reasons. Why don;t they try to come up with some real solutions.

Harlan50 12/20/11 - 12:56 pm

Couldn't have said it better

Couldn't have said it better myself. A very thoughtful and intelligent analysis, "knowit".

learnedhand 12/20/11 - 12:56 pm

Boys, boys, boys...

So, you took the slow suicide path instead of what you thought was the fast, certain-death route, eh? Gaming? You want to promote and increase the opportunities for Kansans to gamble away their utility bill money?

You boys are morons, you know? Weak-voiced, unimaginative dolts who'll doom us all to what should happen when you don't give people a reason to like you: running to the opposition in droves.

Look, now's not the time to be pretending to come up with economic solutions if you're a Democrat. Now's the time to keep reminding people who voted for the puppets of the plutocrats that they promised to fix things and to slap them back in line when they stray from the economic strategy they're mandated to find but they go off and do dumb stuff like gutting public education, freaking out over strip clubs and wasting time and money trying to control womens' reproductive rights.

Obviously, the press (such as it is these days) will come out and cover you when you announce you're going to talk, so when you talk, don't sound stupid. Hyping gambling is a dumb thing to say in public. Gambling's inherently bad because it's nothing but hoping you get lucky and hoping you get lucky's no way to run your life.

sonofbettysventilator 12/20/11 - 01:02 pm
panda-hunter 12/20/11 - 01:19 pm

maybe you just don't know

maybe you just don't know that area but tons of people in SE KS travel across the border to oklahoma to the nearby casinos all the time. their proposal is just trying to keep money in this state instead of seeing it go to oklahoma.

profkc 12/20/11 - 01:22 pm


What a train wreck. Yup, let's fund education with a totally unreliable, fluctuating tax on the mathematically challenged (i.e. gambling).

kansakid 12/20/11 - 01:23 pm

sad DNC trying to get good

sad DNC trying to get good hard working folks to gamble their life savings away cause you have no idea how to fix the mess YOU caused sad !! Merry Christmas Topeka try to see you don't get your self shot out there

jdubyaks 12/20/11 - 01:31 pm

the big flaw

I don't have strong feelings one way or the other about gambling. I think several of the posters here have a valid point about reaching the "saturation" point for gambling. However, the major flaw in the "proposal" is the idea that government funding "creates" jobs. It might create a handful of government jobs, but government can't create jobs in the private sector. Government tends to inhibit job creation and Hensley and Davis are prime examples of where their policies in the past have inhibited job creation. Expanding gambling doesn't do a thing to change those past policies.

panda-hunter 12/20/11 - 01:45 pm

i don't understand this

i don't understand this concern for strangers to spend their money how they see fit. people spend their hard-earned money everyday on things like booze and strippers or getting the next electronic device versus spending their money wisely or paying their bills. so if people want to gamble, that's their prerogative. don't try and coddle them into being responsible.

Dinky Dow
Dinky Dow 12/20/11 - 01:53 pm


Isn't this like the taxes from gambling is suppose to fund education? I'll believe it when I see it.

Panama79 12/20/11 - 01:59 pm

Here's a thought:

Put the next casino to be built in Kansas under the Statehouse dome. That's right. Directly under that much engineered, many times studied, leaky old thing that's covered with so much copper that every tweaker in 4 states has his/her eye on the pickings. The junkyards are licking their lips on this one.

Yes Sir! Double down on the statuary. Forget the Statutes because you folks in the Legislature cannot seem to pass anything without detailed instruction from your old buds, the lobbyists. Sell yourself to Harrahs instead. Put a bright red light where the dome used to be, somewhere above the 2nd floor, and erect a lighted sign that announces to the World that the House of Hookers Casino is now open for business.

Meanwhile, we can move the Statehouse back to Lecompton where it belongs!

Phogfan86 12/20/11 - 02:06 pm

"sad DNC trying to get good

"sad DNC trying to get good hard working folks to gamble their life savings away cause you have no idea how to fix the mess YOU caused sad !! Merry Christmas Topeka try to see you don't get your self shot out there"

Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed the courage little seen in this day and age.

bogeyman 12/20/11 - 02:15 pm

This is all I have to say about it.

The day the Democrats took over was not January 22nd 2009, it was actually January 3rd 2007, the day the Democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, at the very start of the 110th Congress.

The Democratic Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.

For those who are listening to the liberals propagating the fallacy that everything is "Bush's Fault", think about this:
January 3rd, 2007, the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress:
The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB CREATION!
Remember that day...
January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee.
The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy?
THANK YOU DEMOCRATS (especially Barney ) for taking us from 13,000 DOW, 3.5 GDP and 4.6% Unemployment...to this CRISIS by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOES!

BTW: Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie -starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the US economy. Barney blocked it and called it a "Chicken Little Philosophy" (and the sky did fall!)
And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac? OBAMA
And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie?
OBAMA and the Democrat Congress, especially BARNEY!!!!

So when someone tries to blame Bush...
Bush may have been in the car but the Democrats were in charge of the gas pedal and steering wheel they were driving the economy into the ditch.
Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democratic Party.
Furthermore, the Democrats controlled the budget process for 2008 & 2009 as well as 2010 & 2011.

In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases.

For 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the 2009 budget.

And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete 2009. Let's remember what the deficits looked like during that period:
If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets.

If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.
In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is "I inherited a deficit that I voted for,
and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th."
There is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!

"The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living."

StJacques 12/20/11 - 02:21 pm

Stop stealing my ideas, Pajama.

If we had a glass revolving restaurant/casino on top the State House, the world would beat a path to our door.

StJacques 12/20/11 - 02:27 pm

Oh boy,

here comes the attention deficit.

slash2k 12/20/11 - 02:51 pm


"government can't create jobs in the private sector."

Sure it can. For an easy example, take a look at the interstate highway system and try to tell me that private jobs didn't flow from it. Even a lot of the manufacturing jobs in this area are dependent on getting raw materials delivered by truck and sending finished goods out by truck; do you seriously imagine Mars would be coming here if we weren't on I-70 and the Turnpike?

slash2k 12/20/11 - 03:02 pm


George Bush's economic policies set a record of 52 straight months of abysmal job creation. Jimmy Carter created more jobs in four years than George Bush did in his first six. (Here's a sobering statistic: there were more people working in Jan. 2001 when he took office than at the end of his first term in Jan. 2005. Please explain how the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts did such a miracle, if you can.)

"Budgets do not come from the White House." Um, actually, they DO come from the White House. Every budget starts with the president's budget request, and that little word "president" should give you a clue.

"Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie." Um, no, he didn't. In fact, when Barney Frank (of all people) got a bill through the House that would have imposed tighter restrictions on Fannie/Freddie, the bill died because the White House (that would be Mr. Bush) opposed it. (H.R. 1461, 109th Congress, Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2005)

When you get basic facts wrong, your argument collapses.

justmeinks 12/20/11 - 03:17 pm

What is it with Dems

and casinos?

Didn't they already try to fund education this way, and failed miserably?

What is it with a politican and thinking that gov't can create jobs?

It's not their f&*#*n jobs to create them!

What a total waste of breathing!

parkay 12/20/11 - 03:22 pm

No Bet

Gambling is immoral and will not help the economy at all, providing no useful goods or services.

sonofbettysventilator 12/20/11 - 03:37 pm

Just legalize gambling out right. So you have machines

Everywhere.. Grocery stores ,Gas stations, Kwik shop. Become Nevada central. either that, or build Disneyland central.

Lucinda 12/20/11 - 04:51 pm

Progress, thy name is... fear

Fear always leads to frustration and worry.

My wish for Kansas this Christmas season is that they find a way to stop being so afraid of everything.

Do what's in front of you to do. Don't try constantly to find fault with it, freezing your minds with fear, just because it's coming from Democrats. Both parties do good things now and then. This is one of them.

We do have a lot of people spending their gambling money in Oklahoma.

wastewatcher 12/20/11 - 10:17 pm

Tom Holland has the nerve

Liberal Tom Holland has the nerve to stand with these ideas when both he and his running mate, liberal Kutala both voted against southeast Kansas gaming previously. I wonder if the leaders of the midget Democrat numbers have the support of their own members? The dems know this is all about publicity and not about substance.

FanofIke 12/20/11 - 10:43 pm

You're getting warm with Nevada east, bettys

We have probably hit the saturation point, but the state peed things away years ago when they did nothing as Mo. was adding casinos. Some of you have mentioned the casino $ for education, but I think you are getting us mixed up with the neighbors to the east who used that strategy years ago when they were pushing for the riverboats. I don't understand you small government people being concerned about where people spend their money. There is probably more $ spent each year in Kansas on alcohol and cancer sticks then there is on gambling - why no uproar about that? I would guess that the $ costs of alcohol and tobacco far out weigh those of gambling. And Panama, really, Lecompton? Should we be waving the stars and bars also? The history of this state is not on your side with that one at all. Are you one of them nasty old boarder ruffians we all read about in junior high?

2sonsandadaughter 12/21/11 - 12:12 am


"Gambling is immoral" So glad you get to decide what's immoral. Why don't all
you so called christians go build a boat and take a nice long sail instead of trying
to tell everyone else how they should live their life. I can't understand why people keep voting Hensley into office, I guess they like what he has to say. Things don't get better,
he has been in office like 25 years. See the problem? Keep voting the same losers in office
and this is what u get.

Mav 12/21/11 - 07:10 am

Complain away

But I find it interesting that jobs isn't even part of what the Reps are going to be working on in the legislature according to Browine. Stripping retirement from long time public servents, cutting more taxes for the rich, taking way more medical care for the poor, locking in the huge cuts education for future generations and probably stealing the water from my fishing hole is their entire agenda. I say we vote every single one of the, Reps and Dems, out of office next year. I have had enough.

mr_happy 12/21/11 - 08:31 am

bogeyman Propaganda Fox "News" Uses to Brainwash Americans

Guess which presidents killed manufacturing jobs in the last 20 years? Their names are Bush

Barack Obama: Increase of 157,368 manufacturing jobs per year in office
George W. Bush: Decrease of 434,143 manufacturing jobs per year in office

Bill Clinton: Increase of 37,143 manufacturing jobs per year in office
George H.W. Bush: Decrease of 336,000 manufacturing jobs per year in office

Ronald Reagan: Increase of 1,429 manufacturing jobs per year in office
Jimmy Carter: Increase of 15,333 manufacturing jobs per year in office


mr_happy 12/21/11 - 08:32 am

bogeyman 71% of the national debt occurred under GOP presidents

GOP Presidents Dem Presidents
$9.5 trillion $3.8 trillion

Total debt is $14.3 trillion.
$1 trillion of debt comes from before Reagan (NYT doesn't make clear who created that debt).
$13.3 trillion accumulated from Reagan to Obama.

71% of the $13.3 trillion was under GOP presidents.
28% of the $13.3 trillion was under Dem presidents.

(Source: NYT pieced together data from Treasury, OMB, Federal Reserve Bank of NY, and more)

PS And before anyone says "you have to look at who controlled Congress," I don't recall the Republicans worrying about that fact when they blamed Obama for the deficit and the national debt.

What's more, I also don't recall any Republican presidents vetoing the debt ceiling increase during their tenure. In fact, many of the biggest causes of the national debt were GOP presidential initiatives, such as:

* Reagan defense budgets and tax cuts
* George HW Bush gulf war
* George W Bush tax cuts, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

mr_happy 12/21/11 - 08:34 am

bogeyman 2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

bush years!

That's right. 2.4 million jobs lost in 8 years can be directed attributed to China.

Since China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, 2.4 million jobs have been lost or displaced in the United States as a result of the burgeoning trade deficit with that nation

elkwc 12/21/11 - 11:52 am

Wonder if any of these Dems voted for the smoking exemption

for the casino's? What a fallacy that law is. Cigarette smoke evidently is harmless if you are in a casino. I can't frequent the Dodge City casino because of the smoke. We eliminate smoking every where else but not in a casino that might make the state a few dollars. What hypocrites we have in Topeka. We really care about the health of our fellow Kansans and the cost to treat the related diseases caused from and by inhaling second hand smoke but ignore it if it will provide a few extra dollars for a few pet projects. Both Dems and Republicans are guilty of this.

KsExpress 12/22/11 - 10:15 am

And if we didn't have them

It would be interesting to see all of the figures of the money the state has reaped from gambling, liquor, tobacco, and all of the so called vices. Our rightousness can do without those funds? What other solutions have been proposed to generate the funds lost by all of the above? Since Kansans like to drink, gamble, smoke, etc., they have been a source of revenue for the state. NO, dinky-Dow, never ever did the state of Kansas say that the money would be used for education. That myth continued from the same talk in Missouri. As I recall, the monies gained from gambling were always to be a part of the general funds which include funding education and other programs--but not only and specifically for education as some people continue to perpetuate.

So, eliminate all of the income the state makes from the vices and let us see how the loss of those funds can be made up without them.

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