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by KMG143 April 25, 2012 3:05 PM EDT
Sincere thanks to Bob Simon and everyone at CBS News who persevered and broadcast this story. I am very grateful to know the truth. Please keep up the great work. We are all counting you. Be assured there are MANY, MANY Americans who support this kind of honest journalism. Thank you, thank you!
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by Ken_of_Araby April 25, 2012 2:37 PM EDT
I am a US citizen who works often in the Arab world. I am now in Dubai, heading to Amman Friday and from there to Ramallah.

From what I can see, virtually all the people who defend Israel's actions towards the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza have in fact never set foot in either. I'd like to invite them to meet real Palestinians and hear their stories.

PS: The Ambassador was pathetic. How embarrassing for the Israelis.
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by AngelinaLorusso April 25, 2012 2:41 PM EDT
that is so true. it is pathetic to see a young child denied an education or a man denied his manhood as Israeli policy routinely does by denying them humanity and civil rights. Its more than pathetic its enough to make you take action as an activist to help those poor people from being pushed into extinction by boycotting Israeli companies. What an embarassment was the ambassador too.
by bc1960 April 25, 2012 2:04 PM EDT
Israel is neither the "free" nation they, nor the friend of the US they would like you to believe they are. Here are some facts:

1. Bob Simon's story speaks volume of the persecution the Israeli government brings on non-Jews.

2. EVERY President from Eisenhowers has urged the Israeli's to not settle the West bank.

3. The Israeli's have been caught red handed spying on us multiple times. Remember Jonathan Pollard and his family.

4. We give some of our best military secrests to Israel, in turn they sell them to the highest bidder -- China.

5. And my all time favorite, the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty while sailing in international waters.

I AM NOT anti-Semite but I AM VERY MUCH AN AMERICAN. Israel does not act like our friend, nor do they do things in the interest of the US in spite of the fact that we give them so much.
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by TruthTellerBlue April 25, 2012 1:47 PM EDT
I just want to thank the team at "60 Minutes" for airing this story...especially Bob Simon. He is a Jewish American who I suspect has received a LOT of heat about this story. Thank you for your courage Mr. Simon.

Unfortunately, the people who SHOULD watching this story like the Jewish Zionist Americans and the Christian Zionist in our country won't. They think Israel can do NO wrong. Both groups have their own agendas and it's not for the good of mankind my humble opinion.
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by Christian_Society April 25, 2012 12:41 PM EDT
Thank goodness 60 Minutes has the courage to speak the truth about the Christian plight in Palestine. What a tremendous set of tragedies, the wall which Israel constructed, the security checkpoints which good citizens must endure, and the overwhelming influence which Israel attempts to thrust into America's view on the Middle East. Well done 60 Minutes! Keep up the great reporting.
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by bvit April 25, 2012 12:36 PM EDT
This was not an attack on Israel it was simply dealing with the facts concerning the situation. We've heard only one side of the story for so long now, its refreshing to take a closer look. I commend CBS for not bowing to the pressure of special interest groups.
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by AngelinaLorusso April 25, 2012 12:42 PM EDT
apparently we are not allowed to hear any side except the Israeli side with the threat of force by calling the President of CBS. The U.S. gives this monster Israel over 5 million dollars a day and they use us and hurt through apartheid an entire race of people. We as AMericans should petition our elected representatives to stop giving Israeli's more money than American citizens get.
by Dina_Saurus April 25, 2012 11:49 AM EDT
Thank you, CBS! I was born and raised in the United States, but my father's family is Christian from Bethlehem and I commend you for telling the truth about why Christians are leaving the West Bank. It is laughable Oren can try to simplistically pass this off as a case of "Muslim fundamentalism" when the real reason staring everyone in the face is the Israeli occupation, illegal under international law.

you bravely stood up as hard-hitting journalists when you called Oren out on his censorship efforts.

Thank you again for a truthful news piece!
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by fishysalmon April 25, 2012 11:48 AM EDT
Dear Bob Simon,

I am from Bethlehem and I am over delighted that someone can finally shed light on this issue. Everything in this document is so true and accurate; Christians are such a minority now in the area which is such a shame given that just a few decades ago they were the majority. It is unfair that in our own homeland we cannot even visit a holy site such as the church of the Holy Sepulchre without a permit. I hope there are more people like you who can help raise awareness across the world to show what really happens in our areas. Excellent job :)
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by kyassin April 25, 2012 11:46 AM EDT
Thanks for trying to uncover the truth about Palestinian Christians in the program aired Sunday 4/22/12.
I hope that would uncover the myths about the Israeli government regarding treatment of Palestinians, whatever their religion is. Hopefully that would result in informing the world about the policy of that government, and trying to blame everything on Muslims there.
I hope that there would be a follow up on that issue, as well as the real truth about the policy of the Israeli Government, which is using the "Muslim Terror" and "Muslim Hostilities" to cover up their unfair and illegal ocupation and confiscation of Arab -Muslim and Christian- territories.
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by angelicaharter April 25, 2012 11:24 AM EDT
To Bob Simon,

Congratulations to you and CBS for airing the segment on Palestinian Christians. A heartfelt thank you for exposing the way the Israeli government, in this case in the person of its Ambassador to the US, seeks to censor the news about its treatment of Palestinians before it is even reported. Thank you too for highlighting the Kairos Palestine Document, a deep cry from the heart of faith for peace and justice in this disputed land. The Kairos Document recommends methods of non-violent resistance to tyranny, the only methods which have ever been successful in addressing overwhelming power imbalance. Many of us are trying to educate in churches about the plight of Palestinian Christians and the Kairos Document.

Please follow up by doing a segment on the many Israeli peace groups who are working together with Palestinians, both Christian and Muslim and secular for a peace with justice in the "Holy Land".
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