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by USSAmerikan April 25, 2012 10:25 PM EDT
Stein was gigged on a technicality, driven, I presume, by a love for the Messiah-In-Chief and the fundamentalist rejection of any negative criticism that one usually elicits from his followers when anything less than wholehearted love and praise is expressed. While Stein's comments go against his oath of office, his statement on Facebook is somewhat akin to a water cooler comment and his punishment should have been a serious reprimand and maybe a drop in rank, to remind him of who's boss. That they ended his career because of his exercise of his first amendment is a travesty and Stein should fight it in the same arena leftist fundamentalists love so much to conduct their sniping, the court of public opinion!!!
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by retm-w April 25, 2012 10:36 PM EDT
He was warned and ignored the warning, so he suffered the consequence.
by facelessdrone2005 April 26, 2012 12:28 AM EDT
He was convicted by a court-martial consisting of military officers, dummy. Did the military officers love President Obama? Huh? You need to think about what you are saying. If this Marine was allowed to say things like this about this President, what happens if a Marine wants to say similar things about "President Romney"? For that matter, what would happen to you if you said such things about your own boss -- assuming for the sake of argument you actually have a job, since most jobs require at least some degree of intelligence.
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