
Hardware 2.0

Adrian Kingsley-Hughes

Valve: "No one here was meeting with Tim Cook"

By | April 20, 2012, 5:37am PDT

Summary: Newell: “We have a long list of things we’d love to see Apple do to support games and gaming better.”


Valve co-founder and managing director, Gabe Newell, stamped on the rumours that Apple CEO Tim Cook visited the company for secret talks last week.

In an interview given to Seven Day Cooldown, Newell totally dismisses the rumor that Tim Cook — or anyone from Apple — stepped foot into Valve HQ.

“No one here was meeting with Tim Cook or with anybody at Apple that day. I wish we were! We have a long list of things we’d love to see Apple do to support games and gaming better. But no, we didn’t meet with Tim Cook. He seems like a smart guy, but I’ve never actually met him.”

But is seems that the rumor was so convincing that even Newell himself got caught up in the excitement.

“We actually, we all sent mail to each other, going, “Who’s Tim Cook meeting with? Is he meeting with you? I’m not meeting with Tim Cook.” So we’re … it’s one of those rumors that was stated so factually that we were actually confused.”

This would seem to draw a conclusive line beneath any suggestion of cooperation between Apple and Valve over a games console or an effort to bring more Valve games to the Mac platform.

The rumor never made that much sense anyway, as it was never clearly explained where Valve fitted into the Apple equation. If there’s a true demand for more games on the Mac platform, then Valve will no doubt enter that market with renewed vigor, given that the company already has a presence on the Mac OS X platform.

As to the suggestion that Apple needing Valve’s assistance to develop a games console, why would a company with knockout products like the iPod, iPhone and iPad under its belt — not to mention over $100 billion in the bank — would need to go to a company with no experience in developing hardware for assistance?

Image credit: Valve.


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Adrian Kingsley-Hughes is an internationally published technology author who has devoted over a decade to helping users get the most from technology.


Adrian Kingsley-Hughes

All opinions expressed on Hardware 2.0 are those of Adrian Kingsley-Hughes. Every effort is made to ensure that the information posted is accurate. If you have any comments, queries or corrections, please contact Adrian via the email link here. Any possible conflicts of interest will be posted below. [Updated: February 23, 2010] - Adrian Kingsley-Hughes has no business relationships, affiliations, investments, or other actual/potential conflicts of interest relating to the content posted so far on this blog.


Adrian Kingsley-Hughes

Adrian Kingsley-Hughes is an internationally published technology author who has devoted over a decade to helping users get the most from technology -- whether that be by learning to program, building a PC from a pile of parts, or helping them get the most from their new MP3 player or digital camera.

Adrian has authored/co-authored technical books on a variety of topics, ranging from programming to building and maintaining PCs. His most recent books include "Build the Ultimate Custom PC", "Beginning Programming" and "The PC Doctor's Fix It Yourself Guide". He has also written training manuals that have been used by a number of Fortune 500 companies.

Adrian also runs a popular blog under the name The PC Doctor, where he covers a range of computer-related topics -- from security to repairing and upgrading.

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bsnonsense 2 days ago
Go out and get some sun, exercise and interact with people in the real world, loser.

This coming from someone who is sitting behind a keyboard insulting someone in cyberspace. Irony!
0 Votes
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babyboomer57 2 days ago
Nothing to write about today, Adrian? wink
1 Vote
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Sounds more like...
daftkey 2 days ago
..Adrien heard the rumor and wanted to get the story from the source.. When he went to get it, he found out there was no story, and it was already 11:30pm on Thursday.
0 Votes
+ -
I see more people buying Mac computers for style or "because they don't have problems" (*chuckle*). When I ask what they do with the computer, they have answers like "surfing the Internet" and "doing email" and I laugh because of the waste of money that they spend on them.

Games never come up as an answer - EVER!

Games just don't play well on a Mac because OpenGL implementation is behind DirectX, and Apple's video drivers are less-than-optimized. Mac video cards don't run at full PCIe speeds in Windows either, due to the wacky obsolete EFI firmware that Apple insists on using (still one of the legitimate arguments about Apple's non-standard designs). Ditto for the drive controllers too, BTW.
-1 Votes
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That wacky EFI is where all the PCs are headed. Ever notice UEFI replacing the BIOS, duh, PCs have been behind the times. Mac video cards don't run at full PCIe speeds, how would you know are you a lab, do you test Macs at an engineering level. You probably couldn't even navigate the GUI, ROFLOL!

And to top it off, the persons wasting money and their lives are the game players. Go out and get some sun, exercise and interact with people in the real world, loser.
0 Votes
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bsnonsense 2 days ago
Go out and get some sun, exercise and interact with people in the real world, loser.

This coming from someone who is sitting behind a keyboard insulting someone in cyberspace. Irony!
-1 Votes
+ -
Tim Cook is a big change from Steve Jobs
matthew_maurice 2 days ago
But even Mr. Cook wouldn't give up the psychological advantage that comes from an invitation to visit 1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino.

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