FACTOID # 119: The United States has the world's highest number of McDonald’s restaurants per capita. Americans also die of obesity more often than any other nation, with more deaths than Mexico, Germany, Spain, Austria and Canada combined.
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Compare any two countries side by side!

Monday, 27 June 2011 17:58

Announcing an exciting new feature.

You can now see stats for two countries compared side by side. See for example:



Kanishka Hiththetiya
28th June 2011
Very effective and credible source for research.
1st July 2011
I want to compare the trends in education in the United States and Belgium. I tried doing it side by side but couldn't.
13th July 2011
There should be a statistic about the amount of bicycles per country and capita.
21st July 2011
I don't see boxes set up here to compare any two countries on anything. I'd love to be able to do so, but where can I do it?
23rd July 2011
Is this side-by-side feature offline? There are no places to input the two, and typing it in the search window does not allow side by side comparisons.
24th July 2011
This is a very useful tool. Thanks for putting it up online.
31st July 2011
Tool does not seem to work. I highlighted 2 countries, selected a fact, and selected GO. Nothing happened. I am using IE. THis would be a wonderful tool if it only worked for me. Please work on it.
3rd August 2011
I can't find any stats on national and state/provincial debt loads.
7th August 2011
The feature to compare two countries does not work !!!
doug nusbaum
30th August 2011
brilliant concept. Unfortunately it appears to be suitable only for the gifted, since I with a 140IQ, and a degree in math have not been able to figure out how to make this work

perhaps you need web designers who are aware that IE is not the only browser on the narket
Stephanie Ugonma@facebook.com
30th September 2011
What are the comparism of Angolan and Kenyan educational system
2nd November 2011
Just want to know the similarity and difference of food in Canada and food in the Philippines
And also recreation one the philippnes between Canada, and the similarities and differences clothing in the philippines as well as in shelter.
23rd November 2011
This feature works very well once you have found THE spot where the 2 boxes are... and I do NOT use IE but Opera browser! ;-) You can either go up this page to the examples given and click on the countries' link (India vs Pakistan) and you'll get your boxes from which to choose your countries.
Or you can simply go to the "Home" page where you will find them also.

But I must agree that it would have been nice to clearly have access to this feature on THIS page since this is where the link announcing the new feature takes us. Other then that, GREAT WONDERFUL WORK YOU'VE DONE!!! :-) *thumbs up*
simply it does not work
24th February 2012
stop using such large words for such a simple comment
example: it doesnt work
u dont need a 140 IQ to say tht lol!

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