
Stud Finder

by Jeff

Image text: According to every stud finder I've tried to use, my walls contain a rapidly shifting network of hundreds and hundreds of studs.

In this comic, Cueball is attempting to hang a painting.  But, in order to hang his painting, he will need to find a stud, which is a vertical piece of wood in the wall that allows the painting to hang more securely.  The device used to find the studs is call a "stud finder" originally enough.

When Cueball can't find the stud finder, he asks our old friend Black Hat if he has seen the stud finder.  However, instead of suggesting where it might be, Black Hat starts to introduce his new product "A Stud Finder Finder".  But Cueball cuts him off before he can finish.



by Jeff

Image text: New research shows over 60% of the financial collapse's toxic assets were created by power drills.

xkcd's posted on holidays always throw me off, so apologies for the late post.  Luckily you did not even need me here.  Cueball bought a home and drilled holes in the wall until it fell over.  The image text has a reference to America's financial collapse which was not due to power drills, but there in lies the joke.

Filed under: Tools 9 Comments

The Staple Madness

by submission

Image Text: Staple guns: because duct tape can't make that 'kaCHUNK' noise.

This explanation is written by Harm. Harm is a reader of xkcd and explainxkcd. Harm writes explanations. Harm wrote that sentence mentioning that he writes explanations. Harm didn't write the previous sentence.

This comic is a pure slapstick adventure as Beret finds a staple gun and uses it on everything in sight (including trying to install Debian software onto a laptop). When Megan comes home and asks if he's been using her gun, he denies it. Someone possibly stapled to the ceiling says that he has.

In the source of the comic, the transcript offers an alternate interpretation of the final panal.

God: [[outside of scene, as voice from above]] YES!

The image text makes a reference to duct tape being used for anything and everything, and implies that staple guns can be used as a funner substitute.

Filed under: Beret, Linux, Tools 10 Comments




