
Brand Identity

by Jeff

Image text: Legally-mandated information would be printed on the back or discreetly along the bottom. In small letters under the nutrition information it would say 'Like our products? Visit our website!' There would be no URL.

This comic presents Randall's idea for a line of food products all with clear black font on a white background.  Notice how well they stand out in with the other items in this comic.  Would they stand out this well in a store in real life?  I'm not sure, but it certainly would attract some attention as most products are going for busier and brighter boxes to catch attention.

In the image text, however, I'm not sure what the effect would be to have no URL for anyone to look up the company website.  If anything, it seems like it would deter people from buying the product again.  Am I missing something?


Plastic Bags

by Jeff

Image text: The high I feel when I actually remember to bring my reusable bags to the store--and take them inside rather than leaving them in the parked car--can last for days.

This comic is commentary on how grocery stores try to give you as many plastic bags as possible (and in the end frame, it appears they double bag the reusable bag, which shouldn't really need its own bag at all, let alone two.)

For whatever reason, the stores love to give you as many plastic or paper bags as possible, but if you bring your reusable bags, they try to pack all your stuff into as few bags as possible so that they can save the store 5 cents because they only give you credit for the "bags you used".  Even though you brought 4 bags and the bagger stuffed all your things into 3 bags that are impossible to lift.  But, hey, if it saves 5 cents for the company, it is worth annoying  your customers that have to walk through the city with 3 awkwardly heavy bags!

I always try to bag my own groceries because I was once a bagger and I'm really OCD about what goes in each bag and making sure nothing gets squished.  Also, it is very important about the weight of the bags as I usually have to carry them for a good bit.  Two heavier bags and two lighter bags so that the weight can be distributed evenly.  Yes, I'm a nerd.




