
The Corliss Resolution

by Jeff

Image text: And no avian society ever develops space travel because it's impossible to focus on calculus when you could be outside flying.

Jeb Corliss is a professional BASE jumper and wingsuit flyer (similar to the wingsuit you can see in the 4th frame).  Corliss has jumped from a lot of different buildings and monuments in the world.  Hence, the Corliss Resolution.

In this comic, which is well explained by its own captions - life in general decides to find an activity that is more fun than survival, like flying off a cliff in a wingsuit, rather than working on space colonization.  And as the image text adds on to that, flying is more fun that working on calculus.

Filed under: Aliens, Space 15 Comments

The Flake Equation

by Jeff

Image text: Statistics suggest that there should be tons of alien encounter stories, and in practice there are tons of alien encounter stories. This is known as Fermi's Lack-of-a-Paradox.

This obviously is a made-up equation for the comic which is a spin off or reference to the Drake Equation which was previously referenced in this xkcd comic as well. The Drake Equation is an equation devised to calculate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy.

Here's the variable names:

WP = World Population

CR = Crazy

MI = Misinterpreted

TK = Tell _?

F0 = Immediate friends

F1 = Next level friends

DT = Details

AU = Audience

Fermi's Paradox is the contradiction between the high estimation of extraterrestrial life in the universe outside of earth and the lack of hard evidence of such life.  As you can see, the image text represents the lack of a paradox because the assumption and the actual facts are exactly the same.

Filed under: Aliens, Math, Space 12 Comments




