

'Mother Howl' by Craig Clevengerby Craig Clevenger 

They called him John Doe though he was neither criminal nor dead. They carried stout black guns at their belts and radios that hissed and distorted the fields around the scores of Untuned they passed with Icarus between them, his hands bound at his back like folded wings. Block letter insignias on their uniforms, the tailend visible from beneath their coats:  -ICE.

Need a secondary on a 5150, one of them spoke into his crude radio. John Doe, no aliases. read more »

Mother Howl

'Mother Howl' by Craig Clevengerby Craig Clevenger

Icarus fell. Insects peened his skin and sparks trailed him cutting through the sky. The ripping wind stretched his face into a quivering skeletal grin and blew the sparks into a fire that claimed both wings and left nothing to break his accelerating fall but the grace of the same god who had just given him the boot. Flames snapped in the air behind him and a ribbon of black smoke billowed gray in his wake, Icarus only seconds away from an incendiary burst of blood vapor and a cloud of smoking feathers. read more »

Pygmy Tour Essay: "Case Study Operative Family Bear Animals"

Pygmy by Chuck PalahniukI wrote the following to read on tour for Pygmy.  The idea was to create the kind of bedtime stories which Pygmy would be subjected to during his ideological training.

Now, once upon a time…
by Chuck Palahniuk

Three Case Study for Generate Correct Right-Thinking Perception Among Modern Citizen Youths of Today…

Case Study Operative Family Bear Animals

Existed once time traditional heterosexual family unit composed Mother Bear animal, Father Bear animal, Offspring Bear animal, existing as proletariat family, laboring for to bring total fruits much future success to most-glorious nation state.  As solely correct example, noble family of Bear animals occupy modest cottage containing practical, durable furnishings with foodstuffs provided by glorious, most-generous state.  read more »

Pygmy Tour Essay: "Case Study Operative Witch"

Pygmy by Chuck PalahniukI wrote the following to read on tour for Pygmy.  The idea was to create the kind of bedtime stories which Pygmy would be subjected to during his ideological training.

Now, once upon a time…
by Chuck Palahniuk

Three Case Study for Generate Correct Right-Thinking Perception Among Modern Citizen Youths of Today…

Case Study Operative Witch

Occurring once time among passed years much-glorious history this national state homeland, existed most-wily clever female Comrade Witch.  Boasted such-brilliant Citizen Witch much copious intellect.  Labored much time noble Witch, for to construct entire own domicile, entire free-standing resident structure, employing solely sweetened confections, pastry baked goods, such variety decadent luxury commodity.  Fabricate so-brilliant Comrade Witch entire edifice crafted of many tasty sugar candy.  For fireplace chimney brick, composed infinite block peppermint candy. read more »

Pygmy Tour Essay: "Case Study Cloaked Operative"

Pygmy by Chuck PalahniukI wrote the following to read on tour for Pygmy.  The idea was to create the kind of bedtime stories which Pygmy would be subjected to during his ideological training.

Now, once upon a time…
by Chuck Palahniuk

Three Case Study for Generate Correct Right-Thinking Perception Among Modern Citizen Youths of Today…

Case Study Cloaked Operative

Courageous female Operative at once time undertook mission for to deliver emergency sustenance unto distant famished elderly citizen.  Attired in costume of appropriate modesty, Operative adorned own self concealed within cloak with head covering crafted of red-color fabric.  Provisioned basket for cartage bread foodstuffs, female Operative embark upon foot, journey to navigate treacherous route amongst plentiful natural resources much densely-planted tree. read more »


Guts by Chuck Palahniukby Chuck Palahniuk

Printed in Playboy magazine
March 2004


Take in as much air as you can.

This story should last about as long as you can hold your breath, and then just a little bit longer. So listen as fast as you can. read more »

Suffer The Fool

by Will Christopher Baer

Will Christopher BaerI see myself in the dark glass of a storefront window. The image is wavering, untrue. I slip a cigarette from my pocket with pinched fingers and stare at it for two or three minutes, maybe longer. Then place it between my lips and strike a match as if I never hesitated. This is a nervous condition I developed in jail. Time becomes narrow, physical. My perception of self is incidental, and this allows me to disappear. I become a lizard the color of dust. Detached and cool as new money, untormented by echoes. But also vulnerable, exposed. I haven’t slept with my eyes closed in years. My reflection shimmers in blackened glass. read more »

The Love Theme of Sybil and William

by Chuck Palahniuk

Modern Short StoriesPrinted in Modern Short Stories
October 1990

Joni Mitchell's music was the theme to the TV series of Sybil's life. When Sybil walked down the beach, she heard Joni in her head. When she made love, she played Joni's tapes. After sex, she sang the lyrics in the shower.

She played the "up" songs, like "Free Man In Paris," when she was happy.

She played Joni's "Blue" album when she was down. Or more accurately, her husband suspected, when Sybil wanted to be down and stay down. read more »

Negative Reinforcement

by Chuck Palahniuk

Chuck PalahniukPrinted in Modern Short Stories
August 1990

Audrey is a sexual outlaw, slave to a Latin rhythm, a C-section child of the seventies. She's a rabid panther trapped in the fetid, jungle heat of the Number 14, Bonnedale bus.

And she's sitting right behind you for the third time this month.

This can't be chance. She's there for a reason. She smells your fear like a dog would. read more »

Invisible Monsters

by Chuck Palahniuk.

Printed in Columbia Journal of Literature and Art
Issue 26 - Spring 1996

ALL SUMMER, I wanted someone to ask me what happened to my face.

"Birds ate it," I wanted to tell them. "Birds ate my face."

I don't remember any of it. The people, the folks who let me go ahead of them in the emergency room. What the police said. I mean they gave me this hospital sheet with "Property of Providence of Memorial Hospital" printed along the edge in indelible blue. They gave me morphine, intravenously. Then they propped me up on a gurney.

I don't remember, but I've seen those pictures they took. read more »