
Big Porn Inc

Melinda Tankard-Reist speaks to CPX about the human costs of the global pornography industry.

Sex and the iWorld

Dale Kuehne explains the development of what he calls the iWorld.

Pornland: Gail Dines

Gail Dines speaks to CPX about how pornography is infiltrating our culture.

Sex and sexuality in the ancient world

Edwin Judge on how views of sex and sexuality have changed since ancient times.

Hard Wired: the new age of porn

Patricia Weerakoon explains the way pornography affects those who watch it.

Same Sex: Homophobia and the Church

Patricia Werakoon discusses the the way the Church deals with homosexuality.

Soul Sex: make it last longer

Patricia Weerakoon spoke to CPX about sex.

First Century Sexual Ethics

Roy Ciampa and Brian Rosner discuss attitudes towards sex in the first century.

Medical and Business Ethics

CPX spoke to Philosophy and Ethics Professor Scott Rae

The sexualisation of girls

Melinda Tankard Reist spoke to CPX about the sexualisation of girls and what can be done about it.

The sexualisation of girls

Melinda Tankard Reist on the issue of the sexualisation of young girls.

The Psychology of Porn

Robi Sonderegger discusses the dangerous effects of internet pornography.

Gays and Jesus: The Gospel according to Elton John

John Dickson and Greg Clarke respond to Elton John's claim that Jesus was gay