
Jesus a prophet of Islam? Diaa Mohamed

Diaa Mohamed discusses the differences in how Muslims and Christians view Jesus with John Dickson.

Nomad - a personal journey through the clash of civilisations

Simon Smart reviews Ayaan Hirsi Ali's 2010 book Nomad

Christians, Muslims in the double vision of Miroslav Volf

Richard Shumack reviews Miroslav Volf's Allah: a Christian response

YouTube and the Burning Books

Greg Clarke looks at a long tradition of putting important texts to the torch

The mystery of suffering

Richard Shumack examines the way Islam and Christianity interpret human tragedy.

Islam and the West: facing conflict for mutual gain?

Is the 'conflict narrative' between Islam and the West simply the ranting of anti-Muslim extremists?

“Enlightenment” comes to Australian Mosques?

Is Islam able to modernise? Does it need to do so?

Man made religion?

Simon Smart reviews Rodney Stark's Discovering God

God and the problems of suffering

John Dickson explores how different religions deal with the problem of suffering.

Fitna: A Christian response to an Anti-Islamic film

Richard Shumack gives his thoughts on the controversial film Fitna

What is religion?

The problems in seeking to define religion