
The Australian Religious Reaction to the The Origin of Species

The second of Larissa Aldridge's articles from a 2009 Symposium on 'Charles Darwin and the Church'

Darwin and the British Natural Theology Tradition

Larissa Aldridge examines how the Origin of the Species related to the Natural Theology tradition

‘Emergence’ and a Reasonable God

Ross McKenzie on the concept of 'emergence' and the interaction between science and faith.

The origins of lice

Stephen Barker discusses his scientific work and his Christian faith.

Reasons for God: Alvin Plantinga

CPX spoke to philosopher Alvin Plantinga about the intersection of science, faith and experience.

The end of materialism

Simon Conway-Morris explains why he finds materialistic explanations for consciousness insufficient

Science and an unlikely God

Simon Conway-Morris discusses his Christian faith and the place of faith in an age of science.

Religious challenges to science

Peter Harrison on the challenges that religion provides to science and vice versa.

Starfish, Octopuses and the uniqueness of Humans

Simon Conway-Morris came into CPX to discuss evolution and the place of humans in the universe.

Evolution: the theory of everything?

Tom Frame talks about the application of using the theory of evolution in all aspects of life.

Charles Darwin and Australia

Tom Frame talks about his love for Charles Darwin.

Culture Clash

Michael Ruse gives his thoughts on the evolution-creationism debate

Darwinism - the ‘bastard child of Christianity’

Michael Ruse on how he sees Darwinism resembling Christianity

The history of Creationism

What can the history of Creationism tell us about the relationship between science and faith?