Welcome to your workshop desk

After a long, terrific run, the workshop at Chuckpalahniuk.net is closing its doors.

The existing workshop on Chuck's site won't vanish jusy yet though, but it will soon be an archive of all the great things we've done here since the 2008 rebuild--an archive instead of an active shop with new submissions. 

To keep up with the latest on workshop and class activities, plus a whole lot more, please be sure to visit our new sister site at >> www.litreactor.com <<

There you'll find a new and improved writers workshop plus all 36 of Chuck Palahniuk's exclusive craft essays.

If you haven't, be sure to register a new free account on LitReactor today.  And if you have an active premium membership on ChuckPalahniuk.net, then all you have to do--after your free account is set up on LitReactor--then just visit
-> This Page <- to request a free upgrade

And give our Technical Lead, Kirk Clawes, a little grace time on upgrading you for full workshop access over there; it's a manual one-at-a-time process for him.  But you aren't likely to wait more than a few hours.

Thanks for your patience and dedication.

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