Fight Club

'Fight Club' by Chuck Palahniuk"The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club." The second rule is the same. Should we even be talking about Fight Club?

Chuck Palahniuk's explosive first novel comes to us from the point of view of an unnamed narrator. Struggling with insomnia, the narrator find solace in crashing support group meetings for illnesses he pretends to be ailed with. Here enters Marla. With the same feelings towards these support groups and faking illness, Marla causes the narrator to be unable to sleep once again. And then we meet Tyler Durden, the narrator’s socially arrogant controller. Spinning out of control, the narrator, Marla, and Tyler develop a strange triangle of sex loathing and soap.

With the kiss of a mad man decorating his hand, the narrator joins forces with--or, more accurately, is forced into business with--Durden and starts an underground fight club to help men relieve themselves of pent-up aggression. Free to beat each other into semi-conscious conditions during secret basement meetings, fight club becomes an obsession for everyone involved and a life-style for Tyler Durden.

Enter Project Mayhem. From blowing up the narrator's apartment to destroying anything and everything in their path, the members form an alliance of sorts to wreak havoc on whatever they can. They destroy cars, burn buildings, and generally screw up things for everyone. But no one talks. Fight club and Project Mayhem don't exist because no one says a word.

Palahniuk's work here offends, comically excites, and provides thought-provoking scenarios to readers. And if that's not good enough, the jaw-dropping twist at the conclusion of Fight Club should be enough. And if that doesn't leave you wanting more, then there's nothing to be done with you.

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