Tim Carpenter reflects on government

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Thu, 04/12/2012 - 4:52pm

Brownback angling to harness public fear

Gov. Sam Brownback is convinced the public's anxiety about the future is opening the window to a policy revolution.

He said his parents, part of the eastern Kansas farming community of Parker, could be counted among those scared about the United States' well-being.

"Americans are scared for the future," Brownback said during a conference Tuesday hosted by the George W. Bush Presidential Center in New York City. "They are willing to engage in the discussion and are asking: Where is the plan?”

He said governing in an era of elevated fear meant Kansans might be more willing to entertain proposals they were previously reluctant to embrace.

His personal hit-list includes transformation in the state's tax structure, reform of state spending on Medicaid or other social services and recasting of the state pension system.

"Now is the time to propose bold public policy solutions,” said Brownback, part of a panel with politicians, academics and think-tank gurus. "The field is more open to bold solutions."

In that vein, the governor stepped forward in January with an aggressive plan to reduce state income tax rates. The strategy was hammered by Democrats and some Republicans because it reduced the tax burden for all but the working poor.

It is unlikely to gain approval of legislators, in its full form, during the 2012 session. In an election year, some sort of tax-cut legislation will likely emerge.

Brownback also urged legislators to convert the generous defined-benefit retirement system for public employees to a 401(k)-style program limiting expansion of state obligations to retirees. His plan encountered bipartisan opposition, and no reform bill has yet passed the Legislature.

Brownback, in his first year in office, reduced spending to accommodate a projected $500 million state budget deficit. The state treasury was buffered, to a degree, by a three-year statewide increase in the sales tax, adopted over Republican objections before Brownback's election as governor, that pumps more than $300 million annually into the state accounts. 

The 2012 Legislature has not approved a budget for the upcoming fiscal year, but enthusiasm for a fresh round of cuts appears diminished.

Members of the House and Senate return to Topeka on April 25 in an attempt to end stalemate on a series of issues.

At the New York conference, Brownback expressed optimism state legislators would send to his desk a measure improving the tax climate for individuals and small businesses.

"We are one step closer to hitting the accelerator on our state’s emerging  economy," he said.

He also offered praise for a national tax reform idea anchoring his unsuccessful 2007 campaign for president.

He spoke glowingly about adoption of a "flat" tax system five years ago while stumping Iowa for Republican votes and again at the conference in New York.

Under this concept, earned income would be taxed at a consistent rate rather than using different tax brackets for different incomes. It's touted by adherents as a way to reward individual work ethic and to save billions of dollars in tax-preparation costs.

The problem?

Folks with special-interest income tax breaks wedged into the federal code won't stand for it. That's what happened when Brownback, while serving in Congress, pushed the concept.

"Everybody who had something stuck in the income tax coded came out of the woodwork," Brownback said.

His alternative? Allow people to choose between the existing system and the flat tax.

"That is one you can sell in the political marketplace. People will migrate," the governor said.

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Comments (12)


Is that any way to govern?

When you're afraid, really afraid, what you'll do isn't rational, by definition. What kind of a leader would come out and say that he wants to keep people afraid so he can make them do things they wouldn't do if they were thinking clearly?

Did you guys know when you voted for this guy that he was going to emphasize the alarmist in order to keep you in a heightened state of anxiety and force you to accept bad advice?


I said this just a few days ago.

We've had nothing but anxiety since he hit town. And that is no way to govern. Citizens do not deserve it. He's pushing his personal agenda down the throats of taxpayers. I can't imagine anybody voting for him in the next election. And I think he knows it and that's why he's trying to tear the house down to its foundations by the end of his first term - hoping when it's rebuilt from the ashes, his taxes will be lower and the Kochs will finally be happy with all the power they will have attained over our government with his help.

In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.

--John Steinbeck



"'Now is the time to propose bold public policy solutions,' said Brownback, part of a panel with politicians, academics and think-tank gurus."

Well, it's clear which category Gov. Brownshirt fits into. He's not smart enough to be either an academic or a think-tank guru.


IF you people are so

IF you people are so frightened and are on the verge of offing yourself I can loan you the tools to do it with and some advice but it might be messy....

Let me know!

The beauty of this ball is it NEVER goes flat and because of the face on it it's self-inflating

I want one so I can dribble his face all over the place!


Brownback said, "We are one

Brownback said, "We are one step closer to hitting the accelerator on our state’s emerging economy,"

I'll bet if the odumBRO stays the economy will spiral down faster than a FW190 with a wing shot off!

The beauty of this ball is it NEVER goes flat and because of the face on it it's self-inflating

I want one so I can dribble his face all over the place!


The saying is

"Sex sells"

But the fact is that fear sells better.

Really examine any advertisement that purportedly uses "sex" to sell you something and you will see that the underlying message is one of fear in one form or another.

Ain't dese compooter games fun?


Zundfolge obviously has the fear factor down pay...

...and apparently doesn't mind spreading it around, either. Tell us, oh wise one, how do you get from nearly three straight years of private sector job growth to "if Obama gets elected to another term the whole economy is going to tank?" Let me guess. The same way you get to "Obama will take all of our guns away if he gets a second term!" Never mind that he hasn't done a single thing to alter gun rights, except to grant concealed carry in national parks. He must have a secret plan that will only come out if we reelect him. He's just gotta! All your sound by spreading those LIES is raising the price of your own ammo. Now that's brilliant, I must say...

If the bees disappeared, then man would only have four more years of life left. No more bees=no more pollination, no more pollination=no more plants, no more plants=no more animals, no more animals=no more man - Albert Einstein


Well, the location was certainly telling?

...Brownback said during a conference Tuesday hosted by the George W. Bush Presidential Center in New York City.

Anybody remember George W. Bush? Anybody? Bueller?

Ya'll have your very own W in that there Brownback boy...don't ya know?

"I only go back for weddings and funerals"


Desertedgay what are you whining on about?

Did that ear wick get pushed in too far again?

The beauty of this ball is it NEVER goes flat and because of the face on it it's self-inflating

I want one so I can dribble his face all over the place!


Hey Doosh, what sells better

Hey Doosh, what sells better than sex OR fear?

The beauty of this ball is it NEVER goes flat and because of the face on it it's self-inflating

I want one so I can dribble his face all over the place!


ramblingman...,really and

ramblingman...,really and WHAT private sector have YOU been looking at the Chinese job market?

After three years of oblunderer and you can't see the forest for the veil of bs he's clouded that sub atomic brain you use to process information....

Why didn't the lame stream media fail to report this? "Unemployment shot up in 2009 from 7.7 percent in January to 10.1 percent in October before settling at 10 percent in December. Behind those percentages were more than 4.1 million people who lost their jobs during the year. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, that’s the most job losses in a year since 1940. (BLS could only provide data from 1940-2009)..."

What is it currently? Why is there record numbers of people on the government dole for food stamps and public assistance for everything from food to housing?

The beauty of this ball is it NEVER goes flat and because of the face on it it's self-inflating

I want one so I can dribble his face all over the place!



you and aMERICAN take the cake for obnoxious right wing loons.

The reason is is that there is no reason.

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