Saturday, April 14, 2012
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News | Canada

Is it time for tougher standards on political marketing and advertising in Canada?

2012/04/13 18:08:00

Why are we letting Canadian political parties get away with lower standards than the private sector on ads, telemarketing and databases? (8)

Opinion | EditorialOpinion

Rick Santorum’s divisive politics

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum announced this week that he was suspending his campaign. (April 2, 2012)
2012/04/13 16:59:00

Rick Santorum combined contempt for government with the fervour of faith. (1)

News | Canada

Hébert: Why Stephen Harper’s biggest battles will be with Conservatives

2012/04/13 15:47:00

As Harper walks the tightrope of a centrist electorate and a militant right-wing base, that volatile base is starting to chafe. (5)

News | Canada

Walkom: Tax fairness no longer a taboo topic

Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath wants a new surtax on Ontarians earning more than $500,000 annually.
2012/04/13 14:41:00

For years, tax fairness was consigned to the margins. Now it’s back as a mainstream topic of conversation. (9)

Opinion | EditorialOpinion

More female faces appear among Latin American leaders

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, seen here with U.S. President Barack Obama this week, is one of the new generation of female leaders in Latin America. (April 9, 2012)
2012/04/13 14:19:00

Women in positions of leadership are increasingly becoming the new normal. (1)

Opinion | EditorialOpinion

There’s a spicey new edge to immigrants’ politics

Naveen Polapady was charged with assault after thwarting a break-in at his restaurant. (April 5, 2012)
2012/04/12 19:45:00

Liberals suddenly find themselves out of touch with newcomers’ pragmatic values but the Conservatives get it.


Prime Minister Harper muzzles diplomats and foreign agencies

scienceguy@4:35 Sorry scienceguy, you must have been up all night googling to find this definition but in the real... erpexec

Rick Santorum’s divisive politics

His problem? Was Newt Gingrich. They split the conservative vote and its that simple. If the race had been... livinininsin

More female faces appear among Latin American leaders

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities If people ( men, women, or both ) have the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities for the task at hand... OVRTXDCDNWRKR
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