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RANDI.ORG Author Biographies PDF Print E-mail

James Randi

Lecturer, author, and former stage magician James "The Amazing" Randi founded the James Randi Educational Foundation in 1996 to provide a resource on the paranormal, supernatural and the occult. A recipient of a MacArthur Genius Grant, Randi devotes his time to the promotion of critical thinking for the media, and anyone else interested in learning more about the proper way to explore these unusual topics. Full bio.

D.J. Grothe

D.J. Grothe is President of the James Randi Educational Foundation. He has lectured throughout North America on topics at the intersection of education, science and belief. Formerly a professional magician, he has special interests in the psychology of belief and processes of deception and self-deception. He hosts the radio show and podcast For Good Reason, prior to which he hosted over 200 episodes of the popular interview program Point of Inquiry, which he and his partner Thomas Donnelly created in 2005. 

Michael Blanford

Michael Blanford is Director of Educational Programs for the James Randi Educational Foundation. Has spent the last 15 years promoting science literacy, science appreciation, and critical thinking. Michael has developed science curricula, programs, and informal content for a number of institutions, including schools, community centers, museums, and Camps. Before coming to the JREF, he was coordinator for the Saint Louis Science Center’s Life Science Lab. Michael is also founder and president of the Skeptical Society of Saint Louis.

Sadie Crabtree

Sadie Crabtree is the Communications Director of the James Randi Educational Foundation. She has nearly a decade of experience in strategic communications—helping labor unions, community organizations, and progressive nonprofits plan and win campaigns that change laws, change minds, and improve people’s lives. Her goal at the JREF is to share the skeptical movement’s investigative spirit with a broader audience than ever, and help the media expose the pseudoscientific con-artists who profit by deceiving others.

Harriet Hall

Harriet Hall, MD, also known as "The SkepDoc," is a retired Air Force flight surgeon and family physician who writes regularly for Skeptic, Skeptical Inquirer, and other skeptical publications. See her website for further information and links to her book, Women Aren’t Supposed to Fly, and other articles.

Karen Stollznow

Dr. Karen Stollznow is a host of the Point of Inquiry podcast, and co-host of the Skeptics Society's Monster Talk podcast. A prolific skeptical writer and investigator of pseudoscience and the paranormal, she is the "Naked Skeptic" web columnist for the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry and the "Bad Language" columnist for Skeptic magazine. Dr. Stollznow is Contributing Editor for Skeptical Inquirer, is the Managing Editor of CSI's Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice, and a frequent contributor to many sites and publications. She is a Linguist and Researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, and a Director of the San Francisco Bay Area Skeptics.

Barbara Drescher

Barbara Drescher teaches quantitative research methods and cognitive psychology at California State University, Northridge. Her research interests include perception, attention, learning, and reasoning. At ICBS Everywhere, Barbara evaluates claims and research, discusses education, and promotes science and skepticism. She is involved in several grassroots organizations and founded Woo Fighters with the primary goal of motivating students of all ages to become critical thinking activists.

Matt Lowery

Matt is a high school physics teacher and part-time physics & astronomy college professor with a strong interest in promoting science education & critical thinking among my students and the population in general.  I am a self-described skeptic, someone who believes in Carl Sagan’s adage that 'extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.'  I maintain a blog titled The Skeptical Teacher at

Maria Myrback

Maria is the author of the blog Fledgeling Skeptic and President of a science-based educational nonprofit, The Great Experiment Scholarship, Inc. She also gives lectures on basic skepticism and skeptical topics. Maria recently celebrated her third anniversary as a skeptic, having formerly been involved with reiki, crystal healing and psychics. Now she works to educate others who are just starting to learn about skepticism and analytical thought through her blog.