An Introduction to the Eucalypts [This information taken from - Chippendale, G.M. Eucalyptus. In: Chippendale, G.M. (1988). Flora of Australia Vol. 19, Myrtaceae, Eucalyptus, Angophora, Australian Government Publising Service, Canberra.]

Eucalyptus fastigata Deane & Maiden


Deane & Maiden, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 21: 809 (1897).


T: Tantawanglo [Tantawangalo] Mtn, N.S.W., Dec. 1896, H.Deane & J.H.Maiden s.n.; holo: NSW; iso: K.


N.Hall et al., Forest Trees Australia 3rd edn, 181 (1970); S.Kelly et al., Eucalypts 1: t. 159 (1983); M.I.H.Brooker & D.A.Kleinig, Field Guide to Eucalypts 1: 84 (1983).


Tree to 45 m. Bark rough, furrowed, on trunk and larger branches, shedding in long strips above, leaving smooth white upper branches. Adult leaves lanceolate; lamina 8-15 cm long, 1.5-2.7 cm wide; petiole flattened or channelled, 10-15 mm long. Umbels 11-15-flowered; peduncle terete or angular, 4-14 mm long, pedicels 1-2 mm long. Operculum conical or rostrate, c. 2 mm long, 3 mm wide; hypanthium obconical, c. 2 mm long, 3 mm wide. Fruits 5-8 mm long, 4--7 mm wide.

Common name:

Brown Barrel.


Occurs from the northern tablelands to the southern tablelands of N.S.W., extending to near Bendoc, Vic. Grows in valleys and on slopes, in tall open forest.


The wood has been used for building construction, flooring, furniture, being strong, hard and moderately durable; also used for pulp and paper-making.

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